[center][img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/74/blonde-girl-love-perfect-Favim.com-762880.jpg[/img][/center] [color=lightpink]Name:[/color] Rowen Davis [color=lightpink]Age:[/color] 24 [color=lightpink]Gender:[/color] Female [color=lightpink]Sexual Orientation:[/color] Heterosexual [color=lightpink]Mutation:[/color] She has the ability to manipulate Velocity. She can pause and move things by morphing their individual velocities [color=lightpink]Personality:[/color] Rowen is opinionated and hard-headed. She knows who her friends are and keeps them close and is easy to get along with, provided you can get past her sassy exterior. She is a good friend when you need one, but doesn't back down from challenges, even when the odds are stacked. [color=lightpink]Bio:[/color] Rowen grew up in a slightly broken household. Her father worked long hours to provide for his family, her mother was a teacher that made next to nothing, and she had an older brother who experimented with drugs. It wasn't perfect by any stretch of the word, but Rowen loved her family regardless. She talked with her brother, helped her mother, and was there for her father when he needed someone. She helped keep them grounded when it seemed life was taking it's toll on them. Life has a habit of knocking you when you least expect it and despite his promises, Rowen's brother still took drugs and overdosed. A trip to the hospital left him in a comatose state. The final cracks showed when their parents divorced. Rowen went to live with her father while her mother and aunt watched over her brother. Despite these hard knocks, Rowen tried her best in school, maintained good grades, and eventually graduated high school and went off to college to study to become a doctor. If any help was to be given to her brother, she would research and find it. During her school years is when her mutant abilities began to manifest. She didn't like it at first, it scared her, given what she knew about mutants and her own views on them, but eventually she grew accustomed to them and used them sparingly. However, a jealous student noticed her gifts and incited a riot at school. She had no choice but to drop out of school and strike out on her own. She currently lives with her best friend and is a waitress at a restaurant. She doesn't use her abilities, but hides them. Perhaps now is the time for her to use them once again. [color=lightpink]Other:[/color] $3 Pineapples yo!