[center][h3][color=maroon]Mallory Grimmoire[/color][/h3][@CloseEnough] (and anyone else who may show up!)[/center] Mallory rolled her eyes. Temporarily forgetting that Lucifer was there, she laughed at the succubus. [color=maroon]"Really? You don't think I've got things better to do than chasing down after some piss-tasting venom? Don't flatter yourself."[/color] Of course, in an instant, she glanced back towards Lucifer. There was something about him that seemed to... Well, she just wanted to stare at him more. Attempting to snap herself out of it, she felt trapped and helpless--but somehow, it wasn't terrifying. It was almost...exciting. [i]Snap out of it,[/i] she commanded herself, only to have Lucifer gaze at her. Her heart--if she had one--stopped beating instantly. Had she been able to faint, she certainly would have hit the floor at the moment. Her knees went weak, wobbling even, as her entire body got the consistency of jello. [color=maroon]"I, er...I spilled a drink on him at a pub. Started a bar fight. Left to...well, you know. Knock on doors."[/color] She chuckled nervously. [color=maroon]"Almost sound like the Jehovah's witnesses now, don't I? Hehehe....But erm... Why aren't you in hell? Are you here about..."[/color] She paused, a flicker of fear crossing her face. Glancing around, she seemed to lose her nerve to continue her sentence, or perhaps, the effects of Lucifer's charms were continuing to get to her.