[img]https://cdn.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/745/367/large/lucas-orstrom-spaceship.jpg?1432072456[/img] Vessel Name: Nova Liberatus Vessel Type: Light Corvette Vessel Class: Castle-class Light Scout Corvette (LSC) Armament loadout: The Castle Class LSC comes equipped with two high powered, long range railguns that fire depleted uranium shells. These are the main striking power of the Corvette and allow the tiny ship to do a surprising amount of damage to ships out of the Nova Liberatus's weight class. The guns slow firing and travel rates, however, mean that they're practically useless on anything smaller than a Light Corvette. To compensate for this, Castle-class ships have a single three barreled rotary cannon that fires superheated spikes at 3000 rounds a minute; the weapon tears apart anything without shielding, making it ideal for taking down fighter craft. Aside from the main armament, the Castle-class makes use of four torpedo launchers, eight point defense laser turrets, two air-to-air missile pods and various types of mines. Onboard vehicles: The Nova Liberatus carries a pair of [url=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2012/kory_hubbell/kory_hubbell_01.jpg]Vulcan Multipurpose High-Altitude Gunships (MAGS)[/url] onboard at all times. Vulcan MAGS are designed for use within the atmosphere of a planetoid, however these two have been retrofitted for brief use in a total vacuum. Vulcans carry two anti-personnel rapid fire laser guns as well as a single anti-armor rocket launcher for personal defense. Their main power, however, comes from their impressive selection of sensors and communications technology. A single Vulcan can map out an entire planet's surface in less than two and half weeks if it is working at full capacity. MAGS are also designed with a full suite of electronic warfare equipment for use during wartime. Crew: A full crew compliment would be over fifty, however the Captain has been able to narrow down that number to just over thirty-five with intelligent placement of drone workers and high-productivity sailors. Overview: (Description of the vessel, its combat role, brief summary of its history if it is a seasoned warship. Treat this like the ship's bio field.) Captain: M/F: Male Age: Rank: (If applicable) Bio: (Brief history of your captain. The point is not to recount their life story, but to sow the seeds for your captain's motivations and aims by grounding them in a backstory.)