[center][img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/2a6a67c6b4423e3a2a0d14dc53b413d2/tumblr_o4z6aa9sNK1ujovqwo1_500.gif[/img] [/center] [hr][hr] [center]Interacting with: Lana [@Charnobylisk] Jeremy [@Pundii], Detective Roy [@Lady Amalthea] [/center] [hr][hr] Lyle must've been one of the only people not really mingling so easily. He glanced to and from, poking his glasses up his nose as he leaned against the wall, sipping on a glass of vodka he had. He still found it odd. He was expected to not show any suspicion or nervous tendencies, as was everyone else, he was under the impression everyone was content with just leaning back and enjoying the day. He used to attend every party, he never really went there out of pure joy at first, he went cos he supposed he was expected. So here he was, coming here to show face. He liked the atmosphere, a smile was on his face, observing everything. He shrugged as he looked through the crowd. To him, it felt like not mingling was a bad idea, so it would be a good idea to start with one of the new block mates. Sighing, he refilled his glass and glanced to Lana as she passed him. [color=a0410d]"Yes yes, don't rush me, I'm not That anti-social you know"[/color] With that he made his way through the crowd, idly glancing around to see who was present. He recognised a lot of people, but he wasn't sure if he was recognise din turn, which was exactly how he liked it. Lyle was hardly one for the whole ordeal of attention, especially with those whole media hoo ha going on currently, cameras in his face was something that simply did not appeal to him. Now, messing with the police and getting a chance to talk to the new very appealing guy. That was an opprunity he couldn't pass up. He approached Jeremy and the Detective with a small smile, his eyes kinda glancing over Jeremy, like a scanner and idly eyeing up the detective like an afterthought. [color=a0410d]"Evening gents, wonderful fiasco of a party we have going here don't we? So glad we have the trusted and loyal protection of the PD on our side"[/color] He smirked at the detective and then to Jeremy. He'd heard of him, treasure hunter or something? Sounded kinda like some kind of lie, but Lyle had some sort of unbelievable past also, so this guy being a treasure hunter was very much a posibility. [color=a0410d]"Jeremy, right? Didn't think i'd see you at this...gathering"[/color]