[hider=Francis Thomas Newman] [centre][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/6d3aeca421efb2b8f30830bff9f32d07/tumblr_nshftzhfIo1scwco7o1_1280.jpg[/img] [/centre] [b]Name:[/b] Francis Thomas Newman [b]Nickname:[/b] Frankie, Thomas [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] Bisexual (prefers guys) [b]Mutation:[/b] Healing factor, shapeshifting/invisibility. At the moment, he can't keep transformed for too long, and he can't change his body's proportions too much. If he transforms for too long, he'll go into his true form. After a couple of minutes, he'll be able to go back to his human form. He can be in his human form for as long as he wishes. The time that he can spend shapeshifting/invisible can be improved with training, however. Also has a tail in his true form, which he can be trained to become prehensile. (More powers may evolve in time, see the bio for why). Francis's true form his him, however he has crimson skin, with scales, similar to Mistique. The scales cover everywhere on his body below his neck, except for the palms of his hands and the bottom of his feet. All of his body hair becomes jet black, and he gains a tail, similar to Nightcrawler's, with a tuft of black hair at the end. [b]Personality:[/b] Francis is a quite person, not speaking much with people he's not friends with. He can become quick to anger, and can carry a grudge for a long time. If it's his only option, he will start a fight there and then, however, given the chance, he will follow his victim from the shadows, and then strike when they let their guard down. If you're his friend, however, Francis will be one of your best. He always puts others before himself, and would hate to see them get hurt. Sometimes, Francis will get visions of his father, Azazel, calling him, or showing him scenes. These can cause him to shout out for it to stop, and even try and fight it. [b]Bio:[/b] Francis was born in London to Alice and Thomas Newman. However, Thomas wasn't really Francis's father. His real father is Azazel, a mutant that seduced his mother, Alice. Nobody, even Alice, knows that Azazel is the father, due to her memory being wiped by Azazel (aside from Azazel and Francis). Due to his father being a mutant, he has gained some mutant abilities similar to his father, Azazel, and half-brother, Nightcrawler. When he turned 16, he was contacted by his father from the dimension that he was trapped in. From then, he learned how to use his abilities on his own. Just after he turned 21, he received an invitation to be able to control his powers more, and he has accepted [b]Other:[/b] $3 pineapples! [/hider]