Sagax didn't know what was behind that door, but the last thing he expected was for a glowing ball of...something to come whizzing through at breakneck speed and body a sailor that had just touched down from his ascent up the ice wall, sending him straight back down to a silent death. Watching Farid and Ariane bring down two of the mystery orbs, the confused Imperial didn't quite know what to make of the strange beings. They struck their foes as if they were entirely solid, but melted away into nothingness in a flash of magical aura when struck. So strange! If only he had stayed and listened to Varulae's spontaneous lectures on the Restoration and Alteration arts back when he was still in Cyrodill, perhaps then he'd have an inkling of an idea of what those things were. But he didn't, and so he'd have to stick with what he knew: Apply pointy end of murder-stick to enemy combatant. Entering the chamber with sword drawn, Sagax was immediately targeted by one of the anomalies. While not quite quick enough to cut the thing in half, he was however able to get its attack to deflect off of his pauldron, leaving behind a small mark and the faint smell of burning leather. Deeming it an inappropriate time to complain about the damage to his new armor, Sagax instead readied his blade against the next incoming attack. Holding his sword level to his head with the point facing outwards towards the anomaly, the man waited for the orb to move away from the tip of his blade. Holding firm until his foe got close enough, he then proceeded to swing his sword around in a small arc to both gain momentum and position the edge towards the orb, bringing the blade down on it with a diagonal cut. It felt very odd indeed, as if he had just tried to slice apart water. But it was gone, whatever it was, and that was good enough for Sagax. After everyone else got their fill of killing weird fuzzy water orb things, Sagax followed Farid through the remaining chambers and up a ladder into the College. Holding his hand up to his face to shield it from the raging blizzard and all the lovely balls of ice and freezing gales it brought, Sagax just barely made out the figure of someone. They called over, informing the party of survivors within the College. Well, that was good. Higher chance of their rescue operation not being a total dud. The only one that didn't seem very happy to see the man, aside from Sevine, though she just seemed to be annoyed at his coy words, was Solveig. She being the closest person to himself, Sagax could see that the Nord wore an apprehensive expression on her face and, frighteningly, looked ready to kill. Though this would be no news for Solveig in any other circumstance, this time her killer attitude seemed very directed. At what? Surely not this random man? Looking over, Sagax raised his voice slightly so as to be heard over the rushing winds around them; he didn't dare try to get her attention any other way. "What's going on, Red-Bear? Something the matter?" Looking around, he tried to find anything worth worrying about. "You see any more of those magic ball things or something?"