Name: Gaylia Ellifain Gender: Female Age: 26 Race: Wood Elf Backstory: Gaylia was born in a small house near Anvil, an enchanted scene of oceans and golden fields. She grew up in a small community made up of many different races. She grew up a kind soul, helping others wherever she could and loved by many. Her mother was an alchemist who dabbled in magic usage and taught her many useful lessons. On Gaylia's twelfth birthday, her father, a blacksmith, made her a bow and told her that she could place any enchantment she wished upon it. That night, a group of bandits came and raided her village, slaughtering many innocent people, including her father. Gaylia decided to enchant her bow so that any arrow fired from its string could only pierce the armor/skin of those who wish to do others harm. She stayed behind to help rebuild her community, however, fourteen years later, Namira's hordes begin appearing. Tales of The Great Civil War and the supposed attrocities done by these evil creatures quickly spread. Gaylia is determined to stay neutral in The Great Civil War, but she refuses to sit idly by while horrid monsters tear through Tamriel. She agrees to fight alongside Aelystair. Gear: Weapon 1: Enchanted bow. Arrows can only pierce the armor/skin of those who wish to do others harm. Carries a sheath of white feather tipped arrows. Weapon 2: A small hunting knife stashed in her boot that constantly glitters gold, which she mainly uses to retrieve ingredients for potions and remedies. Offhand: Varied types of magic Armor: Minimal. Mainly consists of leather. Bracers on her forearms that form fingerless gloves ringed with golden designs. She has a split skirt with a multitude of pockets sewn into them, all different shades of brown. Her boots are handmade and well worn. Items in possession: Her pockets are full of many different plants and potion ingredients. Her bow and arrows slung across her back and her golden hunting knife in her boot. She has a canteen of water strapped across her hips and an already made salve for wounds in a bag beside it. Appearance: Long copper hair usually tucked back into a braid to show off her pointed ears. She has fair skin with a hue of gold. Her nose is slightly upturned and her eyes are a pale blue that darken with her mood. Special skills: Skill 1: Potions. She can quickly make a variety of healing and damaging concoctions. Skill 2: Strong swimmer. She grew up near the ocean and loves being around water. Skill 3: Magic/Enchantments. Usually on weapons.