[hider=Faction] Faction Name: Burned Earth Alias: The Untouchables, Crazed Zealots. Faction Type: Revolutionary group Faction Specie(s): Human Species Descriptions: N/A Location: Series of abandoned buildings and warehouses; the faction is extremely small. Very few are allowed into it’s covert operations. Faction Description: Led by a man disillusioned by current society, Burned Earth wishes for the utter destruction of society, so that nothing may be rebuilt. Currently working to dismantle the government via strategic attacks Faction History: Burned Earth started with a message from God. A priest, lowly in the order he represented, was tired of the ideals the higher ups. He figured they had lost the way of the Church, and so left. He had lost his faith, the most important thing in his life. He was about to jump to his certain death, when lightning struck the wooden bridge, rickety in it’s nature, he had been standing on. It was ablaze, but the fires parted when the priest tried to walk. Suddenly filled with a purpose, he went on to create one of the most feared organizations in New Anathagos. Important Characters: Atlas, founder. Important Holdings/Territory/Possessions: A sector of the sewage system is currently being used as a base of operations Relation to other Factions:Hostile [/hider]