[@RangerOfTheRit] Okay, not sure if this is what you're looking for, but here he is: [hider=Romionil "Romulus" Adami] Name: Romionil “Romulus” Adami Gender: Male Age: 25 Race:Imperial (Altmer father) Backstory: (Who is your character? What brought them to this point?) Romionil Adami has had a very complicated life, and was conceived under very complicated circumstances. His father, Anionil, an Altmer soldier. His mother, Helena, an Imperial diplomat. They met during one of the many disputes between their two kingdoms, and, as his mother would say, ‘it was love at first sight’ , though Romionil had to wonder whether it was just mindless passion. Of course, his father was quite concerned about appearances and tradition, so when he discovered that Helena was pregnant, he was furious, as well as fearful about how his family would react. He sent her away, having the heart to promise to visit every few months, and she settled between Rorickstead and Morthal, making a new life for herself. When the child was born, Helena wanted to name him something traditional, old fashioned, like Tiberius, or Romulus, but wanted to honor her husband in some way. She settled for Romionil, and though she wasn’t pleased with the outcome, she was happy that she was remembering Anionil. Anionil visited infrequently, but as he did, he taught his son skill with magic, as well as the various techniques he had picked up with a blade as a soldier, and Helena taught him of the healing arts and how to talk his way out of almost any problem. One day, when Romionil was only ten, his father’s visits just stopped. At first, Helena was unwilling to believe, and waited almost a year before losing hope. She was never the same. Romionil had half a mind to go looking for him, but knew of the animosity between elves and men. However, in 4E 327, at just seventeen years of age, Romionil left for Cyrodiil. Hoping to become a diplomat and find his father in that way. He looked quite a bit like an Imperial, so he was a little less worried about going there. Of course, he feared that his name would be met with scorn, so he decided to go with Romulus, a more traditional, albeit uncommon, Imperial name. When the war broke out in 4E 330, Romionil was torn. He still had hope that he could help bring peace, but with so many warring factions, he was unsure as to how he could do so. He decided to remain on the fence for the first few years, but eventually joined the PGC. He did believe a democracy could better bring peace to the land, and hoped that with his ability as a diplomat, he would be able to convince Count Cayne to help settle things in a more peaceful manner. He hoped that he could find a middle ground, in which both the Militant and the PGC could be happy with the outcome, and maybe even find a way to appease the Altmer, and, if at all possible, find his father in the process. Personality: (What are they like? What are their preferences?) Romionil, being raised for most of his childhood by both an Imperial and an Altmer has adopted many of the main practices of both races. He is normally well mannered, especially at formal gatherings and during large meals around others. Being taught in the art of speechcraft, he always tries to talk things through before resorting to violence. However, being raised in the harsh lands of Skyrim have made him a rather strong fighter, and he isn’t a pushover in a fight. He also finds himself partial to elvish features, and has been raised to see the beauty of the strong features that most elves have. Gear: (Set up like follows) Weapon 1: Elven sword Weapon 2: hunting Bow Offhand: Magic Armor: light PGC soldier armor Items in possession: Backpack, bedroll, four days worth of food, sixty steel arrows, 4 healing potions, 3 stamina potions, two hundred gold (in coin purse), and few few spell tomes, mainly for complex restoration spells, but a couple of illusion ones as well. Appearance: (Detailed description and/or a picture) As his mother was an Imperial, Romionil has inherited most of her features and, for all intents and purposes, is an Imperial. However, while he does have her tan skin and brown hair, he has inherited a couple of features from his father as well. His skin has a slight tint of yellowish-gold, as do his eyes. He also has rather pronounced cheekbones, and his chin is slightly more pointed than the average person’s. He has a long and nasty scar down his back that continues on to his calf, which he obtained when he was attacked by a dragon as a child. He also has a few on his face and hands from years of struggling to survive. While Romionil is well built and strong, he has inherited his father’s slimmer physique as well, so he appears deceptively thin and frail to many around him. Romionil also wears his hair long to cover the slight point of his ears, as he as learned over the years that it is easier to avoid persecution than it is to embrace it or find those who accept you for who you are. Special skills: (What do they exceed at? Magic, swordplay, etc.) Skill 1: Speechcraft/diplomacy Skill 2: Magic (particularly restoration) Skill 3: Swordplay [/hider] Sorry it's a but long winded, but I couldn't find any other way to get my character across. If you have any suggestions or input, I'd be more than happy to implement it into my character, but I've tried to keep it as close to the lore as possible while still giving it my own spin.