Sean quickly moved to the other side of the booth so he was next to Allison. He wrapped one arm around her and hugged her gently. "It's alright, it's going to be alright," Sean said in the most soothing voice he could muster. Having a baby was a big deal and he didn't know exactly how everything was going to be alright but he was determined to make it so. He thought for a moment, "Don't worry about a DNA test right now. The math adds up. If you want me to have one later that's fine but I thought I'd heard it was bad to do it during pregnancy. Even if it turns out not to be mine you still got a friend here for you. I am not going to let you go through this alone." Sean moved so he could better see Allison's face. "So what's the next step? Walk me through it and I'll be there. Do you want to hang out some more so we can better get to know each other?"