[center]Donna Riverbank Physical Appearance (): [img]http://cor-innovations-web-marketing.com/maptools/People/Sources/Hair%20Red/Sashira.jpg[/img] Have not that sexy clothers thought and she is 19 years old. Sex: Female Personality: - Starter Town (Redorchard or Dewmeadow): Dewmeadow Biography: Favored type: Dragon and Ice Favorite Pokémon: She have not favorite pokemon.... Why are you joining the Pokémon League? Miscellaneous: Pikachu Note: You will be receiving this Pokémon within the first couple of posts. You have had no interaction with him/her before Physical Appearance (): [img]http://25.media.tumblr.com/1b03a4ab5b8511496b1b537e193eba46/tumblr_ml5mdotmBv1rv6iido2_500.gif[/img] Sex: Female Personality/Mood: Likes: Sweet food, swimming, sunbathing, food, playing with other pokemon Dislikes: Spicy food, Winter/ cold, aggressive or bully pokemons/ trainers. Starting Moves (Check Bulbapedia; all starting Pokémon will be lv 5): -Thunder shock -Tail whip -Growl Miscellaneous: -- Some additional questions, to help develop your character and Pokémon… 1) You happen upon an injured Rattata in the middle of the path in front of you. You hear a sudden rustling from the large bushes on the path’s edge. Whatever is causing this noise has yet to reveal itself. What do you do? 2) An enormous Snorlax has wedged itself between the railings of a bridge over a raging river. It seems to be a long way’s journey to venture around the living water. Your destination is across the bridge. What do you do? 3) You awaken in the middle of the night to find a Hoothoot rummaging through your pack and taking your food. Before you act, you notice two smaller, faint outlines on the horizon of the dying campfire light. The Hoothoot begins hopping towards her children with your food in tow. What do you do? 4) You are walking with your Pokémon through thick forest when you hear a faint humming from the canopy above you. Quickly, a hive of Beedrill cuts through the foliage and descends toward you and your Pokémon. What do you do? 5) You’ve defeated a trainer handedly, and you both call your Pokémon back into their Pokéball. The trainer falls to their knees and begins to weep. The trainer is a younger individual who only had one, low-leveled bug Pokémon to face. What do you do? {Wip will edit later on} [/center]