[h2][b]Alcina[/b][/h2] __________________________________________________________________________ Alcina had hastily taken Ariana to a completely different area. She made an effort to stay silent until they were far enough away. "Hey uh I'm sorry to take you away from Riley and all but who are all those boys?"She began softly, "I don't recognize any of them and the way Alex reacted makes me feel like they could be big trouble. I wouldn't suggest hanging out with them until we all get to talk to Riley about it if that's okay. I saw even James and Jason tense up at the sight of them and I'm getting such a bad feeling." Alcina knew she started to ramble a bit when nervous. She took a deep breath and gave Ariana room to reply. This whole year was giving her bad vibes. She couldn't shake the feeling that everything was going to go really wrong. She glanced back over at James. The boy didn't even want Rose to look at the group it seemed. She tilted her head. No that wasn't it. He didn't want them to see her. That many new students was entirely possible but what were the odds they were all friends the moment they came here? Granted, James seemed to get stressed out easily, however, she had never seen him like this. Each boy had oversized, defined muscles that seemed to be bursting out of the sleeves of their shirts. Not to mention, a lot of them were really tall. She considered steroids as a possibility but it could have been a number of different things as well. If they were this physically adept, who knew what kind of abilities they had? "Look at him, Ri... He's shielding Rose and Emma from them. Something isn't right and you know it. Alex is like a big teddy bear that would never hurt anyone. Why would he grab Riley like that if it wasn't really serious? You gotta give them some space and convince Riley to do the same. How about you and I go check out our dorm together?" [h2][b]Alex[/b][/h2] __________________________________________________________________________ When Alex returned, one of Shay's friends Mike was there. He usually didn't like the guy all too much because he and Shay got a bit close sometimes but he appreciated his presence right now. He seemed to have led her a bit away from the creeps and was making sure nothing happened to her. From the look he gave him, he knew even Mike could realize they were with weirdos. Mike nodded to her. "I'll be on my way and I'll see you in class. And if I don't, I'll find you, and drag your ass there, AP buddy." Then Mike left to a bit of Alex's relief. He wanted to talk to Shay alone. That fucking Louis bastard was thinking about Shay's butt. He moved in front of her protectively and fiercely glared at him, only to get a malicious grin in return. A number of thoughts crossed his mind, including how many ways he could get away with a murder. Maybe he could kill him in his sleep and bury him in the forest deep somewhere where everyone would just assume he was another missing kid. He was pretty sure no one would even care. [i]What happened, Alex? Can you tell me please? And can we move away? They're so weird...[/i] Shay's voice in his head broke him out of his reverie and he looked down at her pretty face, instantly relaxing a bit. He nodded and tightened his grip on her hand, now just realizing she had taken his. He began leading her away as began to speak them. "Don't even speak to them."He said through gritted teeth as he moved her away. Alex stopped walking over they had gotten inside. He sat down on a couch and took a deep breath. He had never felt anger like that in his whole life. It felt like he had been possessed by someone else. He had never actually wanted to hurt someone let alone kill them. "Sweetie, are you okay?" He tilted his head to look at Shay as her beautiful, soothing voice reached his ears. She had the voice of an angel. With the wings and her beauty, she had to have been one. It all added up. How did she end up with a kook like him? The idea of that Louis getting anywhere near his Angel made him so sick inside. Anger started to fill him again and he clenched his fists. He vowed to never let anyone hurt her. After a long, deep breath, he managed a small smile. "I love you, beautiful. I'll be fine. I'm just not used to getting so mad I guess. " Alex replied, putting his arm around her. "That guy was just the creepiest dude I've ever had to listen to. I feel violated even having to hear his thoughts." He shuddered, "Stay far away from all of them okay? Promise me." His gaze fell on the teachers that were beckoning people into the auditorium. "Ugh. Kill me now."He groaned, getting up. "I hate these stupid lectures. They say the same dumb boring shit." He let Shay guide him anyway. He'd probably just play a game on his phone or something. There was no way he could pay attention to this after all that. [h2][b]Louis[/b][/h2] __________________________________________________________________________ Louis smiled and waved to Shay, "Goodbye. See you soon, Shay." He loved this so much. That Alexander was so [i]MAD[/i]. He had heard he was a mind-reader and couldn't help himself to trolling the kid. Plus, the thoughts were true anyway. He would have loved to shove Shay against a bed and give her such a good time she couldn't walk the next day. He had thought it in his heads with other wording that had been much more dirty. Louis had been hoping Alex would have turned on him to fight him so he could have had an excuse to beat the brat to death. Damien had insisted on them trying to fit in with the crowd but he was fairly sure if one teen started a fight with him, he couldn't be blamed. "You're an idiot, you know that?"Lindon asked Louis. "You're going to blow our fucking cover if you keep sharing your pornographic thoughts with Alex. " "Tcch."Louis rolled his eyes, " He doesn't even know the superior exist. I was just messing around. "Yeah, well QUIT it."Lindon snapped, making Louis turn to glare at him. "Damien is going to have us all tortured." Louis hated when Lindon got on this whole goody-two-shoes act. The little fucker always kissed up to Damien. He wasn't having it. He had come here to have fun. Rounding on Lindon, he moved closer and grabbed his shoulders roughly. "Lindon shut the fuck up before I snap your fat neck. You've seen me lift entire trucks now imagine what I could to do to you? Yeah maybe I'd get in some trouble with Damien for it but oh wow would it be worth it to shut your big mouth forever." The sound of silence that followed was amazing. "I assume you all know now that Shay is mine."He told them, pacing around. "None of you are to touch her without my permission. As for Riley, he's still one of them. It's going to take time until he's finally one of us so you're going to have to deal with the peppy little shit for now." As if on cue, Riley came running back over. Louis bit back laughter. He looked such an idiot. He stopped before them and looked at Louis. "Hey Louis can you not think creepy shit about my friends please? It really offends them." Louis looked down at him. What a shrimp puff. He was so much shorter than him. "Oh did I? I am SO sorry, Riley. I never meant to offend anyone. I will be much more careful now." Riley smiled, "Thanks, man!" "Hey! Anything for my new best friend!"Louis wrapped an arm around him. He glanced at Ezra and Mortimer, biting back laughter. [h2][b]Jason[/b][/h2] __________________________________________________________________________ Jason wondered if James knew Rose was the cat that curiosity killed in the phrase. If no one would tell her something, she'd go find it out. He went to her side, knowing it would probably annoy James a little but it was worth it. Rose deserved some sort of answer instead of being left in the dark. It might clue her off to the superior existing but he didn't care. She was one of his long-time best friends and he was not going to lose her because she was under-informed. "Look, Rosie,"He began lowly. "James and I have come across those guys in the past and they are completely insane. I am not over-exaggerating. They are the type of guys you see going to prison on the news for rape except these guys never get caught. If you go near them, they will hurt you and try to take your clothes off. I know you're a boss ass bitch as you claim but even you aren't a match for them. I probably can't even fight all of them either. You will get overwhelmed. They always have backup if one of them approaches you. They will take advantage of you being short. One of them can disable your powers if you are in a certain radius of him and the tall steroids looking motherfucker has super strength. I am warning you from now-Do. not. fuck. with. them." Rose stared up at him with wide, green eyes. She looked so innocent with her baby-face and small body stature. It was the type of face that would get attention. When the superior see something innocent and pure, they will definitely try to ruin it. She had to be kept away from them. "Holy doritos... Where did you guys find people like that? Prison?" He couldn't help but almost laugh. She had voiced last year that she had been trying to curse less and as a result, a range of strange phrases had been coming out of her mouth. "Believe it or not, I have yet to be imprisoned. I am too good-looking for prison. "Jason said to her, "I've just crossed them during my little adventures." "Ah, yes. Your little journeys to the center of the earth." Rose said sarcastically. "You must be talking about the [i]little[/i] adventures where you disappear for days and come back out of no where. You should tell James all about how you do that. He'd love it." Jason ruffled her hair, "He knows all about them, silly goose. Now promise you won't go near the psychopaths, please?" Rose saluted him, "Yes sir! I promise!" He sighed. It was hard to tell when Rose was being serious. She was always cheerful and throwing jokes into everything. Then again, it might have been his fault since it had turned into a more light-hearted conversation. He and Rose were always joking around with Shay. The three of them might as well be called the three stooges. "I'm holding you to that missy."Jason said sternly. She nodded, "I'm being serious I just don't want to let them to ruin my mood you know?" Her attention was suddenly taken by the teachers ushering people into the auditorium. "Oh my God not an assembly."She whispered in horror and got on her knees. She hugged James legs, "You can't make me go in there! Pleeeasseee noooooo!" Jason followed her gaze and grimaced, "Oh hell to the no I'm ditching that bullshit. You two in?" "YES. Let's ditch and go find where the good food at before everyone else."Rose said, not letting go of James legs. "FOOOoooooOOOOd!" [h2][b]Dalton[/b][/h2] __________________________________________________________________________ Dalton leaned against the window, eyes set on his brother most of the time. What the hell was Riley doing with all those superior? He had been ordered not to act on it and was beginning to despise himself for listening. Why didn't he just go out there and yell at Riley? He glanced back at the meeting. Scarlett was writing possible future plans while the rest of them were running out of patience for her attitude. On the contrary, Dalton was quite amused with her as always. He enjoyed her attitude. It was the only entertaining thing out of these boring meetings. He was sure they would stop as soon as Tobias walked in. Toby and Liam were the younger group leaders while the older ones like Aidan had separate meetings and only meshed all the groups together during emergencies. Everyone knew messing with Toby's girlfriend while he was in the room as a desire for death. He glanced over at the new girl, Lucy. She was in a corner spinny chair, twisting back and forth on her heel. She had brown hair that came just past her shoulders, back in a headband. She was wearing a lightweight cardigan over a tank top and jean skirt. She stood out like a sore thumb amongst everyone, looking obviously unexperienced and even appeared a bit too young to be here. She looked like she belonged down with the rest of the students. She had her head down like a kid in a classroom trying their best not to be called on by the teacher. He had known her back in the day when he was still a student. She was a sweet girl but she was bit too peppy for his taste in friends. He wondered if she was ever going to say something today. He had been here a few years now and he barely said a word unless he felt his input was necessary. "Who wants some donuts!?" Dalton did not need to look over to know Jessamine was here. She came in with a big box of donuts and a couple coffees in a coffee traveler, her long curly ponytail swaying behind her as she beamed at everyone as if they were her favorite people in the world. She always had a certain type of charisma he could not quite comprehend. He could not find it in himself to hate her despite his distaste for super peppy people. There were a phew sighs of relief as it had been sort of awkwardly quiet and tense. She began handing out coffee as people began hungrily opening up the box of donuts once it had been set on the table. Jessamine sat down next to Scarlett with a huff of exhaustion. He leaned her head on her shoulder, glancing at what she was writing. "I brought you your favorite latte. You're welcome." Jessamine was probably one of the only people he had seen Scarlett be nice to. Usually the two acted like the good cop, bad cop kind of friends. Scarlett would scare everyone and Jessamine would be sickeningly sweet to them. It was actually quite efficient. She glanced over in Lucy's direction, "Oh no I forgot we had a new guardian this year. Here you can have my coffee if you want honey-" She began and then stood up, completely distracted by a different thought, "I hope you guys all said hello to Lucy and made her feel welcome!" A couple of them looked at each other in confusion. They hadn't even noticed Lucy there since she had been so quiet. Lucy looked up like an animal caught in headlights, "Umm... Hey." She said quietly.