Finished! [hider=Eliyah Ray] [center][img][/img][/center] [hr] [color=Crimson][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]23[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Male[/indent] [color=Crimson][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u] Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent] Eliyah is an African-American man with coffee bean-brown skin, deep-brown eyes and black hair. He sports a simplistic hairstyle, although he seems to care for it more than himself at times. Despite being ragged on for his poor physical fitness, he is quite well-built, though he tends to stand with poor posture, slouching over. Standing straight at 6'0" and weighing over 193 pounds, Eliyah is 'very big' for his age.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Mutation:[/u][/b][/color] [url=]Fire Embodiment/IFREET[/url] [indent]Eliyah has the ability to completely change his body shape and physiology. His soft and smooth skin becomes hard and scaly-giving him a metallic red hue. He grows taller and wings sprout out from his back. These changes to his body give him the ability to fly, enhanced durability and strength. This change also allows him to create and manipulate heat and fire as he sees fit, and he does not need an existing source to utilize this. Despite his apparent control over fire, his body will automatically generate heat on the surface of his skin setting him on fire. His skin will constantly be up in flames, but he will not feel it. Despite the power he gains in this form, without oxygen, he is nothing. He cannot transform without it in abundance, and this form consumes it at all times, it is used to maintain it. Thus, oxygen surrounding him will constantly burn faster than it can be replaced. Because of this, his transformation time is limited. He is given a grace period of 2 minutes of air to breath, once that is gone, he has to hold his breath until he can no longer bare it, and he must return to his human form. This means that he has a transformation time of 3 to 4 minutes. His ability also has a cool down after each use, this is usually 5 to 10 minutes long. If there is no Oxygen in the surrounding area, like the ocean, his powers are rendered completely useless and unusable.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]On the surface, Eliyah comes off as a rather silly and lighthearted person, frequently engaging in comical behavior and retaining his oft-present grin even while making threats. He displays a childlike amusement for new situations whether or not they prove adverse or even potentially fatal. Even with all these idiosyncrasies, he is extremely personable and has a particularly complimentary nature that easily gains him the friendship and trust of those surrounding him. Of course, these aspects only hide the complex and determined young man underneath. On the reverse side of his frivolous nature is his considerable shrewdness, which makes him quite capable of reading people and situations. He is particularly observant, taking into consideration even the smallest details of his surroundings in order to better understand and deal with challenges and is not above using cheap tricks or questionable tactics to ensure his own survival. Being singularly ambitious, he has a remarkably tenacious will that allows him to overcome virtually insurmountable obstacles and accept inhuman burdens for the sake of his own goal. He has a considerable pride that will not stand for having his humanity insulted or condemned by his enemies, but is also capable of shelving his pride if it becomes something that will stand in the way of his objective. He is very protective of his family and comrades, refusing to allow any harm to come to them and often deeming their safety more important than his own in spite of his own personal ambitions and goals. He has to be reminded several times that his own safety is something upon which many people depend on and uses his loved ones as his primary motivation when all hope seems lost. As such, he becomes furious when observing those who willingly or remorselessly cast aside their own comrades or brethren and is sickened by the idea of superiors who reject their duty to those who trust them.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Bio:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Eliyah was born in Brooklyn, New York, a city were mutants were hated, but you minded your own business, most of the time. Eliyah's mutations reveled itself at the young age of 7 when he literally transformed and burned the couch down in front of his aunt who proceeded to douse him in holy water and make him fast for days on end. After this incident, he only wished for a quiet childhood, unfortunately, he didn't get to have that. He was constantly in and out of the hospital, due to his parents apparent fear of his transformations. Soon it was easy to see that he was a mutant. His aunt told him that he had been possessed by the Devil, but the truth was already out. Fearing for their child's life in the big city, his parents sent him to live in Birmingham. This only worsened the situation, as the south was a boiling pot of hatred. At the age of 22, after years of sudden transformation and mental hallucinations from oxygen depravation, Eliyah was sent to a place were he could learn how to control these transformations, thankfully.[/indent] [color=Crimson][b][u]Other:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]$3 pineapples[/indent] [/hider]