[center][h2][b][color=#C2A56B]S[/color][color=#BFA46C]a[/color][color=#BDA36D]m[/color][color=#BBA36F]u[/color][color=#B9A270]e[/color][color=#B7A172]l[/color] [color=#B2A075]A[/color][color=#B0A076]d[/color][color=#AE9F78]d[/color][color=#AC9E79]l[/color][color=#AA9E7B]e[/color][color=#A89D7C]y[/color][/b][/h2][/center] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/d4/fe/d1/d4fed18fd184bf393760c3df42feb8cb.jpg[/img][/center] [center][i]”O’ all the horrid things I’ve seen in ‘is world, I know that no matter the cost, I’ll always come through to the o’her side.”[/i] [b][color=f7976a]Birth Name[/color][/b]: Samuel Benjamin Addley [b][color=f7976a]Nickname(s)[/color][/b]: Sam, Black-Hands Sam [b][color=f7976a]Gender[/color][/b]: Male [/center] [b][color=f7976a]Birthplace[/color][/b]: Liverpool, England [b][color=f7976a]Birthday[/color][/b]: October 24th, 1896 (24) [b][color=f7976a]Affiliations[/color][/b]: [i]Eliza Fields[/i] – Samuel’s Aunt, his mother’s sister, that is rather rich, and distant from the family. She has several estates across England, he hasn’t seen the woman since he last lived in Liverpool. He isn’t all that certain if Eliza is alive or dead at this point either. [i]Edward Fields[/i] - Samuel's Uncle, Eliza's husband. [i]Millie Addley[/i] - Samuel's mother, deceased. [i]Vera Addley[/i] – Asides from Eliza, Vera is his only living relative, making her all the while more precious to him. She works for Mr. James Harrison, owner of the Harrison’s Trinkets & Charms, and she works at the Tawdry Countess at night. [i]War Veteran of the 142nd (6th London) Brigade[/i] [b][color=f7976a]Role[/color][/b]: Soldier [b][color=f7976a]Occupation[/color][/b]: Hired Muscle for the Jolly Roughers/Full-Time Gang Member [u][b][color=f7976a]Skills[/color][/b][/u] [list] [*] Guns – As accustomed with the knowledge that came when serving in the Great War, Sam has knowledge of how to load, aim, and fire with rifles and pistols. Particularly the British Bulldog Pistol, and the Mk III*. [*] Hand-To-Hand Combat – With time spent serving in trenches, Sam has learned how to fight hand-to-hand, which has come in handy being with the Roughers. [*] Explosives – While in the war, Sam acquainted himself with how grenades operated, and learned how to make all sorts of explosives, it doesn’t take him long to put a bomb together, that’s for certain, this is one of the reasons why the Roughers took him on. [*] Hot Wiring – Since cars came about, Sam has had a knack for hot-wiring them, and often times getting himself in trouble for joy-riding. [*] High Pain Tolerance – When he was wounded, countless times on the battle fields in the Western Front, Sam has developed a high pain tolerance. Most of the time he doesn’t know he’s wounded until he actually sees blood. [*] Boxing – Ever since he came home, Sam has gotten into the underground fighting scene, where bets are illegally placed, away from the scrutiny of the public eye. His fists are quick, and he has knowledge on how to drop a man with a single punch. [/list] [u][b][color=f7976a]Assets[/color][/b][/u] [list] [*] Webley Mk III* [*] Ulster Bulldog Revolver [*] Webley Mk VI Revolver [*] A rented room above the Tawdry. [*] Flat-Guard Switch Blade [/list] [b][color=f7976a]Personality[/color][/b]: A morose, quiet and callous person is Samuel Benjamin Addley. He has little concern for his well-being, though he is over-protective of his sister who demands that he keep himself alive. Were it not for her, Sam would have little care for how he lived, what he ate, or anything else of importance. The aftermath of the Great War left him scarred, and while he mourns the loss of a French woman he lost contact with during the war, Sam finds relative comfort in the arms of the local prostitutes. What he does care about, is the survival and success of the gang. He’s accumulated large sums of money, and one day, maybe one day, he’ll buy himself a nice estate out in the countryside where the air is fresh. He does anything that the Wallis’ ask him without hesitation, for the three brothers have proven themselves commendable in their actions. Even when the plans go wrong, which is a factor with being involved in gang activity, the Wallis’ make sure their fellow gang members are well compensated, either with money, women, or liquor, of which there is always plenty. To Sam, working as a Rougher, is like being an infantryman in the war all over again. [b][color=f7976a]Weaknesses/Flaws/Secrets[/color][/b]: [i]Callous[/i] – Sam is a cold, calculating individual, he displays little emotion, save for when it comes to his sister, she is his only family left in the world, but to everyone else, they are lucky to hear him crack a joke, or catch a glimpse of a smile. [i]Lost Lover[/i] – No one knows what Sam went through during the Great War, but most importantly, not even Vera knows this secret that he keeps suppressed. In France, when travelling from Loos to Auchy-les-Mines, the brigade stopped at a small town, where few civilians remained. Of those that remained, a beautiful blonde woman, by the name of Amelie Gauthier, won his heart during the short stay. They wrote often to one another during the course of the war, but he never heard from her again after he returned home to London. He carries a locket, on a gold chain around his neck with a picture she gave him, something to remember her by. Amelie is presumed dead. [i]Paranoid[/i] – As a result of the war, Sam finds it hard to trust anyone he doesn’t know. He often glances over his shoulder with the sensation that he’s being watched, or followed. [i]Ladies of the Night[/i] – To forget the pain of Amelie, ironically, Sam frequents the prostitutes in Southwark, though he keeps this a secret as best he can, as while it provides some comfort, he is ashamed of spending his money for comfort on a broken heart. [i]Tobacco Smoker[/i] – Sam rolls his own cigarettes with freshly purchased tobacco, the problem is he smokes one too many during a day, sometimes numbering well over eight. [b][color=f7976a]Appearance[/color][/b]: Clean-cut, and clean-shaven, Sam maintains an orderly appearance, and takes great care of his body, as he doesn’t like to look like a rag-tag fellow. Occasionally, he’ll sport a thin blond moustache, but other than that, he forgoes facial hair. Like any other of man associated with the Roughers, he wears the traditional styles as a dapper, with a flat or peaked cap, and a well pressed suit, where a pocket watch chain can be seen dangling. He prides himself on looking the part of a sharp-dressed gentleman, although, he has no one to impress with his dashing looks. With his sandy blond hair, steel-grey eyes, Sam is a stocky fellow that stands at 5’9, weighing around 165lbs, every inch of his body still maintains the muscle obtained from the war. On his right bicep, Sam has a raven perched atop a skull tattooed artfully, if one has the chance to ask him what it represents, he’ll shake his head and say, [i]”Death takes everyone in the end.”[/i] He appears morose to others that do not know him, as he rarely smiles. Yet, when one has the chance to see him smile, and his grey eyes light up, it is an endearing sight, as it is considered to be lucky to see him happy, even if for a second. Unlike his sister, Vera, his voice is not soft, rather husky from the cigarettes he smokes on a daily basis. While most women would attribute the sound of his voice as an attractive quality, the smell of cigarette smoke is seeped into his clothes. [hider=Raven Tattoo][img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/41/8c/52/418c528a5736b2c21c87801a69436a26.jpg[/img][/hider] [b][color=f7976a]History[/color][/b]: Like his sister, Vera, Sam was born in Liverpool. Though, just like his sister, he was too young to know his father. Growing up in his Aunt Eliza’s manor, Sam had an enjoyable childhood. Here, he learned to ride horses, and chased his sister through the towering boxwood hedges that were the garden maze in the back of the house. When Vera turned 6, Samuel recalled the quiet conversation between his mother and Eliza, while his aunt insisted that there was plenty of room for the three of them to stay with her and Edward in the manor, Millie was born of a stronger thread, not one to bring up her children without teaching the need for hard-work. He remembered the sad smile his mother wore as they packed a truck full of their belongings and headed to the smog filled city. The polluted air from the smoke stacks of the factories brought on many coughing fits for her. However, after a year within the East-End, they were forced to move to Southwark with the rest of the Cockney’s, as the rise of migrant workers to the city were swimming with disease and poor housing conditions. While Sam and Vera never saw much of their mother, as she worked for the law firm to provide for them, Sam found himself in more than one schoolyard fights. It was there that he developed the protective nature for Vera, when he would find himself face down on the ground, he could hear the wallops little V inflicted on the other boys. They teased her, picking her up by the back of her dress, while she spat, kicked and flailed her arms like some rabid badger. Infuriated that they would dare pick on his sister, Sam always found the strength to pick himself up off the ground, and continue fighting. When they would go home after school, Sam with a black eye, and Vera’s dressed stained, Millie would only pull her children into the warmth of her breast, holding them tenderly. Sam realized early on that his mother hardly uttered a word of their father. What she did say, when she could, were only fragments of what must have been the man that helped in creating them. In hushed tones, [i]”Your father would be proud of you both.”[/i], or [i]”You have your father’s spirit Samuel.”[/i] always tiny glimpses of the man that was. The only photograph of their father that Sam ever laid eyes on was a photograph of Millie and Jack (that was their father’s name), on their wedding day. Sam knew he took after his father with his blond hair, and Vera from their mother with her brunette. When Sam turned 14, he left school in pursuit of mill-work to help support Millie and Vera, while his mother protested him leaving school so soon, she had to admit that the extra pounds from his paycheque were helpful nonetheless. Four years passed as Sam busied himself with dock work, yet at the start of the Great War he enlisted to protect the great nation of Britain against the impending doom that he thought would end in defeat. He engaged in the 142nd (6th London) Brigade, where they were first shipped out to the battle of Battle of Loos on September 25th, the trenches were deep, muddied, and the chaos of the resounding war guns confused and disoriented many men in his brigade, however with careful planning, they executed the use of poison gas for the first time, albeit it wasn’t an overall success as the chlorine gas would blow back onto the British forces with the changing tides of wind. [center][b]War-Time Battles[/b] [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/142nd_(6th_London)_Brigade]142nd (6th London) Brigade[/url] [/center] By the time he returned home, he was a changed man, even his sister had not recognized him right away when he stood on the platform from the train station. His eyes were sunken, and a haunted gaze hung about him, like he had seen too many horrors, too many ghosts. And the truth was; he had. While he became morose in attitude, something of which Vera had never seen in him before, not even when she was little did she remember Sam in such a sorrowed state. However, the only thing that seemed to cheer him up, was visiting his sister, and of course, the honorable ladies of the night. By the time Tommy Wallis offered him a position on his gang as a henchman, Sam was in a desperate state for work, anything, truly anything would suffice to make him feel more normal. The work given to him by the gang, felt all too familiar, like he was in war all over again, but that is perhaps why he joined so readily. He’s been with the Roughers for well-over a year and a half now.