Applying! [Hider=Lamia] Name: Lamia Aquia Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexual Orientation: She hasn't given it much thought. Appearance: [center][img][/img][/center] Lamia is roughly 5'1 and weighs about 110 lbs. Her arms and chest are adorned with various tattoo, some colourful some black and white and all of varying images ranging from what appears to be a knife wound in her ribs to characters from the Land Before Time films. She has a fairly average, slender build, lacking any pronounced feminine proportions. Her hair is dirty blonde and her eyes are hazel. She seems quite pale when compare to others, as if she's either unable to tan or doesn't spend much time outdoors. Mutation: - Advanced Healing Factor: Lamia is able to recover from seemingly any fatal wound. She is capable of regrowing lost limbs within a day (while she can't die from blood loss, it will still cause her to pass out), bullet wounds heal within an hour and broken limbs will heal within a few minutes. She's able to survive gunshots to the head, lungs and heart, but suffers from headaches if she doesn't remove bullets lodged in her brain. Being burnt down to ash or thrown into a molten pool however, will leave nothing behind for her to regenerate. Lamia is also immune to the effects of drugs and alcohol, while toxic poisons will cause her to lose consciousness for about an hour. - No need for oxygen: Lamia does not need to breath at all and is incapable of suffocation. - Cibopathic (Food Retrocognition): Lamia can know the entire history of anything she consumes. If it's a vegetable, she knows where it was planted, how often it was watered, what pesticides were used, when it was harvested and how, how it was transported and how it was handled. If it's meat, she knows every aspect of the former creatures life, from beginning to end, how it was born, raised, treated and killed. She isn't currently able to pinpoint or focus on specific memories at the momement, meaning every meal is a sensory and mental overload. Personality: Lamia is introverted to say the least. She doesn't particularly enjoy being around people and incessant talking and noise tends to get on her nerves. She can typically be found shut in some room, laying asleep in bed or trying to sleep, otherwise she's typically reading or listening to music. She can be quite curt and seems to have little regard for the feelings of others, mostly because she just wants to be left alone. Bio: Lamia's first hint that she was a mutant came about 18 moths ago, when she was fifteen. She'd tried to cut her own hair in a mirror and watched as it grew back to the exact length it had been before she'd cut it. The second clue came when her abusive step-father's nightly boxing ritual stopped leaving cuts and bruises. The third came from when her alcoholic mother's hidden booze stash stopped getting her drunk and the final clue came when she tried to drown herself in the bathtub and it didn't work. Rather than deal with the result of a step-father who could beat her as hard as he wanted and never leave a scratch, Lamia did what she'd always dreamed of. She ran away. At first it felt liberating to know that she could go anywhere and do anything without a fear of dying, but she soon realized that she could still get hurt, even if the wounds kept healing. Fortunately for Lamia, rapists tended to back away when their intended victim starts to to stab herself. Gradually she grew more and more reclusive and misanthropic. She started to realize that if she wasn't able to die, then this was it for her, an eternity spent on the streets surrounded by people who would eventually grow old, wither and die. She could take solace in the fact that she'd outlive the assholes of the world, but it also meant she'd outlive anyone she ever cared about. Because of this, she devoted most of her time adding to her "road map", a series of tattoos that depicted important moments or people in her life. Moments she wanted to remember. The tattoos healed almost instantly and the ink was under the skin, making them the most permanent thing she could put n her body. She paid for the work in ways she'd rather not recall, but it was a means to an end. She currently lives in an abandoned school bus under a bridge, left alone by almost all the other homeless squatters who call the area their home, mostly because no one wants to deal with "the crazy kid with the knives." It's only recently that her food-based abilities have begun to develop and as a result, she eats as little as possible. If anything the development of these new, uncontrolled powers has made her more reclusive and withdrawn, experiencing the death of every single thing she eats further cementing the knowledge that everything is on a constant march towards death. Everything except her, apparently. Other: $3 Pineapples? Undiagnosed major depressive disorder. [/Hider]