[hider=Cole]Name: Cole Higgs Age: 19 Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Bisexual (50/50 split between men and women) Appearance: [hider=Cole Higgs][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Mebebd300d1ad9faa324910e3dadf1bfcH1&pid=15.1[/img][/hider] Mutation: Empathy, Cole can feel the emotions from others and manipulate them, one technique Cole uses is Empathic incapacitation where he fills a persons mind with random emotions around him to cause the individual pain, however if Cole is surrounded by a lot of strong emotions he can become overwhelmed and dizzy. Personality: Cole is very in touch with his emotions and has no difficulty expressing them. Cole is extremely shy but once he comes out of his shell Cole becomes friendly, Cole is known to be very sassy around his friends and he has a very sarcastic sense of humor. Cole can remain calm and collected when the world around him becomes chaotic. Cole is very smart and likes to show this off but will not hesitate to help someone in need. Bio: Cole was born into a family that was very tolerant. Except to mutants and when Cole was walking by a funeral and was so overcome with emotion from others that he fell to the ground and couldn't get up they were not very happy, they had no problem accepting he was Bi but a mutant was a big no no. so he was sent to live with his Sister who fortunately accepted him to live with her and her boyfriend. However a year later he and his Sister had a car crash both of them survived but others weren't so lucky, the grief from family member was so overpowering he needed to get them away so he accidentally passed the emotions on to a passerby exposing him. then he was sent away to find a way to control his powers. Other: $3 pineapples [/hider]