[center][b]Quick Character Overview[/b][/center] [hider=Thompson Wallis][b]Name[/b]: Thompson Wallis [b]Nicknames[/b]: Tommy, Crooked Tom, [b]Age[/b]: 26 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Boss [b]Origin[/b]: Camden, England [b]Brief History[/b]: An ex-war veteran like many others in the gang, Tommy served in the same division as Samuel Addley. He is a Camden-native, and has grown up in London. He’s a smart man, and while many women fawn over him, he has little time for their pettiness. Instead, he’s too focused on strengthening the Roughers. His father, Adam Wallis, started the gang in the mid 1900s, but the gang was smaller back in the day, and strayed away from the crimes that the Roughers commit today. [/hider] [hider=Clinton Wallis][b]Name[/b]: Clinton Wallis [b]Nicknames[/b]: Clint, Sweet-face Clint, Sweet-talkin’ Clint [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Underboss [b]Origin[/b]: Camden, England [b]Brief History[/b]: The middle brother of the Wallis’, like his brother Tommy, he served in the Great War, but in a different division. He served in the Regular Army. His longtime girlfriend, Mary Scriven has been with Clint since before the war started, one day, they hope to get married. Clint is in charge of the gang when Tommy is away on business. When they are together, Tommy asks Clint for his thoughts, and takes them into consideration. Clint is responsible for maintaining the relationships between their associates, and other important people necessary for the gang’s survival.[/hider] [hider=Grant Wallis] [b]Name[/b]: Grant Wallis [b]Nicknames[/b]: Slick-Wit Grant, Baby Boy Grant, One-Eyed [b]Age[/b]: 23 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Captain [b]Origin[/b]: Camden, England [b]Brief History[/b]: The youngest of the Wallis’ brothers, Grant also served time in the Regular Army just like Clinton, though he didn’t join the war until 1915 due to his youth. He specializes in organizing marks, handling the gambling and fighting scene. He also keeps an eye on the bookstore to make certain there aren’t no coppers lurking around. If someone has a piece of information that needs to get to Tommy or Clint, they go to Grant. He is married to Elousie Alvey-Wallis, has been since returning home from the war. The reason behind is nickname, "One-Eyed" Wallis, is that he is blind in his left eye.[/hider] [hider=John Kirby] [b]Name[/b]: John Kirby [b]Nicknames[/b]: Jonny, Good Luck Jon, Shiny Shoes Jonny [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Advisor [b]Origin[/b]: Southwark, England [b]Brief History[/b]: Like all three of the Wallis brothers, John Kirby served alongside Tommy during the war, and when they returned home, Tommy gave John a position in the gang as an advisor, he is in charge of the drug-deals, and trafficking any stolen goods or drugs as well. He runs the docks, and makes sure thing are oiled well like a machine to maintain working order. If anyone wants to see the Wallis brothers, they talk to John to set up an appointment, if he deems them worthy/respectable. He’s often found in the Tawdry having a drink, or roaming the docks at night.[/hider] [hider=Eli Lindey][b]Name[/b]: Eli Lindsey [b]Nicknames[/b]: Quick Draw Eli, Big Brother Lindsey [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Soldier [b]Origin[/b]: Westminster, England [b]Brief History[/b]: Eli was an aviation pilot during the Great War, one of the few to return home. He is a close-friend to Clint Wallis who convinced Tommy to let him into the gang. Like Kirby, Eli is responsible for the gambling rings, as they are extensive. He is also in charge of the munitions, as most gunsmiths won’t sell to anyone with a criminal background. He makes certain that the gang has a steady supply of ammunition and guns, as well as switchblades. He also deals with the production of the liquor, where it is shipped overseas in disguised crates to American gangs with ties to England for profit. His girlfriend is Miriam Dorsey.[/hider] [hider=Emory Lindsey] [b]Name[/b]: Emory Lindsey [b]Nicknames[/b]: Little Brother Lindsey, Crackin’ Em. [b]Age[/b]: 21 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Soldier [b]Origin[/b]: Westminster, England [b]Brief History[/b]: Emory didn’t serve in the war due to mental conditions, he suffers from manic bipolar disorder, and was flat-footed. When Eli came home from the war, he managed to get Emory a position in the gang as a soldier, he’s the quiet type, and prefers to keep to himself. When there is a mark to be taken care of, Emory is the first to be called into action. Not only is he tall, and well-built, he is strong and can take down any man without a problem, as long as they aren’t expecting it. He tells the Street-Rats where to go, who to peddle drugs to, what street corners to stand on, who to harass, and who is an enemy. His girlfriend is Eris Hawkins.[/hider] [hider=Silas Lowell] [b]Name[/b]: Silas Lowell [b]Nicknames[/b]: Back-Alley Shadow, Street-Lamp Silas, Smokey [b]Age[/b]: 19 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Associate [b]Origin[/b]: Southwark, England [b]Brief History[/b]: Southwark-native, Silas was born on the street in which the Roughers run most of their crimes, so it was only natural for him to be recruited by Kirby as a street-rat. He frequents a Miss Alice Wyght, he hopes to marry her one day, but she just calls him a boy too naïve for his own good. He keeps an eye on their territory, acting like a scout, he reports to Kirby if anything is amiss, if he sees anyone that doesn’t belong on their streets, such as rival members. As his nicknames suggest, Silas is a silent fellow, he mainly works at night, and is quick on his feet, lurking in the shadows, hanging around street-lamps only to disappear before anyone can approach him, vanishes like a smokescreen.[/hider] [hider=Matthew Rowe] [b]Name[/b]: Matthew Rowe [b]Nicknames[/b]: Rowboat, Rowin’ Matt [b]Age[/b]: 18 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Role[/b]: Associate [b]Origin[/b]: Southwark, England [b]Brief History[/b]: Southwark-native, Matthew is the youngest member of the Roughers, and just like Silas, he’s a street-rat. He keeps an eye on the docks, on the prostitutes in their territory, on the opium den, and he patrols the territory borders to make sure none is trespassing. Matthew also passes along messages to important people associated with the gang, he helps in arranging appointments, given with Kirby’s approval, and peddles drugs when he finds the time.[/hider]