[center][h2][color=0072bc]Dewmeadow[/color][/h2][/center] [@Morose][@hatakekuro][@PlatinumSkink] Professor Dogwood shook his head as Rowan asked him where his assistant was. His eyebrows arched upward and his brow began to wrinkle as he scratched his chin. [color=0072bc]“I really don’t know where that girl could’ve went. She usually checks in every three days.”[/color] A faint smile crept on his face as the trio offered to help Dogwood with his missing assistant problem. It was the first time you’d seen worry on his face, and it quickly vanished with your generosity. [color=0072bc]“I’m sure she’s fine… but maybe you three can check up on her.”[/color] He paused to reach into the black satchel that he was carrying over his shoulder. Deep within the main pocket, his arm buried itself to elbow length before grasping something. He pulled out a Pokédex much smaller than your own, but with a clear coating and visible cogs whirring on the inside. The screen came alive to show you a miniature map of the local region. [color=0072bc]“Cass lives here, in Quagmire.”[/color] The path was a straight shot to the east, most of it through flatland that you’d already seen outside of town. Closer to Quagmire, the terrain became more akin to marsh, and there were many bridges one had to cross to get from place to place and across rivers. [color=0072bc]“She wouldn’t have gone into the swamp, I’ve already told her about that. But maybe the path is blocked somehow…”[/color] Dogwood put up his Pokédex, a slight ding coming from the inside of his satchel as he tossed it in. [color=0072bc]“She’s tall, thin, with red-hair braids and round-framed glasses. She’ll probably be reading something wherever you see her.” [/color] With that, he placed his hands on his hips and looked at the three of you, eeys wondering to figure if there was any more information he could give you. [color=0072bc]“Stay on the path, and be safe. If you see Cass in any kind of danger or you get caught up in something, contact me immediately. I don’t want any of y’all getting hurt.”[/color]