[center][h2][color=gold]Gleampier[/color][/h2][/center] [@Xan the G][@Eklispe] [@BlueSky44] Budew was quickly shoved from the path of the Poliwag, knocked off-kilter by the momentum of Houndour’s shove. Despite being knocked off its footing, though, the bud Pokémon was capable of unleashing its Absorb in the correct direction of a descending Poliwag. Green orbs intercepted the path of the tadpole Pokémon, drawing its last bit of energy from it and removing its momentum. Broseidon fell to the ground, as did Budew, but one was in much better condition than the other. Poliwag flopped against the cold, hardwood floor a couple of times before coming to a halt. Though, it might be difficult for the Budew to get back on its feet without arms. [color=fff200]“Broseidon! You’re all wiped out!”[/color] [color=004b80]“Waaag…”[/color] A red beam of energy quickly came from the palm of Chuck’s hand to collect his beaten Pokémon. A coy smile crept onto his face, and he raised a fist in the direction of his other two brothers. [color=fff200]“Keep partying hard bros! For the Broletariat!”[/color] [center][color=6ecff6]~POLIWAG IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!~[/color][/center] The other two brothers crossed their arms, nodding with an odd intensity. [color=brown]“You’re right bro, this isn’t over yet.”[/color] The brother in the center, the one of curly ginger beard, had been watching his Magikarp for some time now. Now that Machop was approaching, his eyes diverted to Buck with a knowing nod. [color=f7941d]“Bro, you know Lord of the Rings?”[/color] The brown-haired brother nodded as well, mouth slightly agape. An eyebrow raised as he replied to his brother with hands that spoke as much as his voice did. [color=brown]“Yeah bro! That's my jam.”[/color] [color=f7941d]“Well, you know that one scene where Gimli gets tossed?”[/color] [color=brown]“Twin Towers?”[/color] [color=f7941d]“Hell yeah, bro.”[/color] Puck ended his remark briefly, casting his eyes downward at the other bro and smiling devilishly. Buck appeared confused for a moment, opening his mouth just a bit more and squinting his eyes. Finally, they widened and he pointed a powerful finger towards Puck. [color=brown]“OOOOOOOH!”[/color] Buck returned to the battle, Machop now nearly on the scene with Budew and Houndour. [color=brown]“Brohammed Ali! Grab Brometheus and let’s go! Power toss!”[/color] Machop immediately veered right, feet slamming onto the hardwood. The biological steam train had moved from the path of Budew and now was upon the flailing Magikarp. With a diving leap, the Superpower Pokémon grabbed the tail end of Magikarp and gave him a mighty hurl in the direction of Rook, who had taken the place of Budew. The spinning scythe of Magikarp was only a blur to the watching trainers, colliding with Rook in a fraction of a second. The force of the blow sent Rook away from the battle and sliding onto the floor. Magikarp soared high into the sky, still gaining elevation as Poochyena collided with Machop just after. Rook had taken too many water guns to continue battling, and was knocked unconscious by the unorthodox blow. [center][color=6ecff6]~HOUNDOUR IS UNABLE TO BATTLE~[/color][/center] Now it was two Pokémon vs. two. Poochyena and Machop were entangled in a wrestling match, and Magikarp flew high above, waiting for gravity to shift him back downward.