[color=#9900cc] [h3][center]Mara Scelus[/center][/h3][/color]Mara opened her own pokedex, pressing the correct combination of buttons to bring up her own map. Holding the pokedex up towards the east and putting it down again, she squinted, before nodding to herself. [color=#9900cc]“This shouldn’t be too difficult to find her—as long as we can avoid the swamp,”[/color] Mara murmured, closing her pokedex and placing it back inside her bag. Her espurr glared up at her almost, as if he was angry with her choice in action. Mara chuckled at him, contemplating suggesting that he could glare at the professor and see better results. They had everything they needed, however, in order to find Cass. Perhaps there would be pokemon battles and daring rescues! Of course, glancing at Rowan, she got the notion that he wasn’t… Well, he wasn’t exactly thrilled with their choice. Pausing for a moment, Mara nearly suggested they just go through Route A as planned originally, battling the ordinary trainers…. But her own needs won her over. She wasn’t close to her team mates—her friends—yet. There would be time to make heroic sacrifices for them later. [color=#9900cc]”Come on, let’s head out then.”[/color] Mara said softly, heading towards the path, assuming the others were ready to go on and went as well. While her main goal was to hunt down the professor’s assistant, she also saw this as a time to look around in general. Who knew what would happen! The random and the odd tickled her fancy, and certainly, she’d hopefully run into some. It didn't matter to her what happened--as long as it was interesting. 3: Random Event (if this can be done in addition to looking for Cass?) [hr][i]Location: Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood’s Lab —> The Path to Quagmire Current Team: [list] [*][indent]Kira the Espurr [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Kira%20the%20Espurr_zpsweugvdi2.gif[/img] Status: N/A Level: 7[/indent][/list]Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (700), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)[/i]