The angry words of Sevine did not perturb Sebastian in the least - in fact, his complacent smile fell away to surprise at her answer. "A rescue? That... was the last thing I expected." He admitted, brow furrowed in what was evident confusion. "The last time Winterhold suffered a collapse, the College was blamed. Accusations like that aren't really forgotten... especially when the event happens again. Clearly, I need to have more faith in the people of Skyrim." Finishing with a smile that was less cheeky and more grateful, the Mage shook Tsleeixth's hand, smile fading at his question. "Ah... yes, I expect you do want answers. 'Tis a complicated matter, friend - perhaps we should move indoors?" At this point, Roze had made her way up the ladder - having waited for her spell to wear off first. She never knew why, but the Life Detection spell always made lights way brighter to her - so heading for daylight would just blind her for a few minutes. Eyesight now back to normal, the cold didn't take long to hit her - but at the same time, so did the noise of conversation. A smile had split her face upon hearing the familiar voice. [i]"Of course, the sly bastard survived this. Why was I ever worried?"[/i] "Sebastian, I'm disappointed! We were expecting a welcome party, not a ruin." Truly, the College was in a poorer state since last she visited - although that had been a good few years ago. As for her old friend, his eyes found her voice, and they widened in astonishment as she walked over, pulling him into a hug. "Roza?" As she pulled away, Sebastian looked upon her with an incredulous half-smile. "What in Oblivion are you doing here?" "Rescuing you lot, idiot." She teased with a warm smile, digging him lightly in the ribs - which were certainly bonier than she remembered. In fact, Sebastian seemed entirely thinner - not skeletal, but his cheeks and eye sockets had that familiar gauntness to them that was brought about by hunger. Clearly, the rescue had come just in time. However, other than that, he seemed just as Roze recalled. Way too tall, warm chestnut eyes, narrow nose - his jaw-length honey blond hair was looking a lot shaggier and was in need of a cut, she could tell that even while it was pulled into a messy ponytail. [i]"Hell, give the guy a shave, haircut and roast dinner, he'll be back to normal in no time."[/i] Sebastian continued looking at her quizzically for a moment, before letting forth a tired chuckle. "Ah, the thief extraordinaire comes to my aid! Truly, I am indebted to your services." At that, he dodged the swipe Roze directed at his head, ignored her comment ([b]"Bite me, sparkyfingers."[/b]) and turned once more to the group. "My name is Sebastian Vorell, and I do apologise on behalf of the College for the icy climb up here - now how about we get out of this blizzard?"