"Hazelnut? Did you open the Moonflower tea again? I swear that scent always reminds me of-" A tall Pale Kumiho in Long Silken Scarves and Robes completely cut himself off as he saw an extremely familiar sight now that they weren't behind a curtain, "Oh my Stars and Garters..." Was all Hitori could manage as they practically glided to their newly arrived guest. He reached out with awkwardly long limbs and Gently removed the mask to get a good look at The Lumyians face before placing it back on and pulling them into a tight embrace of a hug. "Where in all of Creation have you been? I was worried sick about you! I thought one of the Forest Spirits had gone and Gobbled you up since I couldn't find hide or hair of you. You could have at least told me you were fine. Look at you though! My dear Sweet Boy has grown up to be a Strapping young Rake to Gallivant across the lands and slay vicious Beasts and Steal hearts....If you don't do that it's perfectly fine though.....Wait...Have you come to Slay Me? I mean I figured someone would come to one of these days but I certainly would find it fitting that it would you. Though that could just be be over presuming things, the energies have been weird lately and there's all that hubub going on with the Word on the street of that affair that the Royals are doing. I'm Sorry Cassius, where are my Manners, would you like some tea?" Hitori said as he placed his friend gently down.