"That would confirm our suspicions." Bakarn looked over at Shan, who nodded at her peer. "Indeed." She curtly responded, giving the object to Syo as she addressed the duo: "Our being on Taris was no accident,then. The Force must have guided us here." She leaned forward, one elbow on her knee, the dim lighting in the room casting a dark glow over her aqua colored irises. "This object is the last piece in a puzzle we've been trying to decipher ever since the Revanites were disbanded. In their encampment was a map all too similar to that of the one that led to the Star Forge." "Master, the Star Forge? Wasn't that just a legend?" She shook her head at Yerbol's question. "The Star Forge was a real power that fed on the Dark Side of the force. Revan destroyed it when he walked the path of the Light, but after his fall and recent death, we were worried that he would attempt to reactivate it. The good news was that Revan seemed to want to avoid the Forge, but instead something greater..." Bakarn took over: "The True Sith. Those who are actually Sith by race...they and Revan had struck an agreement. They would provide the resources he needed to destroy both Republic and Empire and in turn he would turn control over to them upon the completion of his mission. With his failure, the Sith have receded back into Wild Space, which is where Revan had appeared from." "We sent scouts into the very edge of Wild Space hoping to get some kind of indication where the Sith were hiding...yet we never heard back from them. They employed the astrogation charts we found among the ruins of the Revanites, but there were two pieces missing. We discovered from a local Republic scouting party that there was an object that matched the description of the charts, so we came to investigate. With this final piece, we can actually send others into Wild Space to try and root out the location of the True Sith...and this is where you two come into play." Master Shan cast her gaze at Yerbol. "You've proven yourself time and time again to us, even in your short appointment. Although you were rash in your decision to go to Korriban, we feel like we can trust you to follow these coordinates into this uncharted territory. We would assign another Jedi to go with you, but our numbers are so spread out that we can't afford to take anybody away from the frontlines." Her eyes then went to Aria. "You have a working knowledge of the Sith and can prove to be a valuable asset. If you agree to work with Yerbol, we will allow you to walk away unscathed on a shuttle to a destination of your choice. If you refuse, we will give Yerbol another Jedi companion and have you locked away in the depths of the Jedi Temple where our best...information extractors will enjoy discussing a number of different topics regarding your Order with you."