Full name: Tizoc, a.k.a. Griffon Mask. His real name is unknown. Team: TBD Entrance Theme: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6aAGArjaBI]Because every wrestler needs one.[/url] Discipline: Tizoc is a practitioner of Lucha Libre, in other words, a Luchador. In regards to the two archetypes of the style, Tizoc is a Técnicos through and through, specializing in elaborate and high-flying manoeuvres that are as entertaining as they are effective. Age: 27, born on the 25th of April. Home: Mexico. His exact place of birth is (once again) unknown. Appearance: Tizoc stands at a towering 215 cm/7'1'', and weighs in at 118 kg/260 lbs. [hider=Hero to all children] [img]http://i.imgur.com/RCQVBhD.jpg[/img] [/hider] Brief bio: Tizoc's past is an enigma. The masked man made his debut in Lucha Libre some years prior, and has yet to reveal any details regarding his history. No one -save for his similarly elusive family- has so much as seen his face. Even the man's name has yet to be discovered. Some men claim that he never had a childhood, and simply sprang from the womb fully-formed and costumed. Others, children in particular, regard him as a guardian spirit, sent from above to combat injustice wherever it may lurk. Whatever the case, they can all agree that Tizoc is a paragon of the sport, and that he is the hero of countless children across the length and breadth of Mexico. However, Tizoc's legend is not without hardship. Once regarded as unbeatable, the griffon-masked hero was thoroughly trounced on one fateful day by a mysterious stranger. Refusing to accept this, Tizoc embarked on a quest to seek out this man and win back his honour in a rematch. After nearly two years of searching, Tizoc became disheartened, and very nearly abandoned his career altogether. Thankfully, fortune turned in his favour, as he received an invitation to the latest King of Fighters tournament. This event served to remind Tizoc of what he had forgotten in his pursuit: his duty to the world's children. How could he call himself a man, let alone a luchador, for failing to uphold his true duty? With that, the embers of Tizoc's spirit were rekindled into a blazing inferno of passion, and he returned to Mexico at once. Before throngs of cheering fans, Tizoc declared both his return and his intent to win the tournament. Not for mere money, but for the sake of the children's smiles. Note: Tizoc's history is taken from the Fatal Fury timeline (with a few adjustments), as we seem to be using that one in this RP (based off of Rock Howard's bio).