[center][img]https://animalspirits222.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/harpoon.jpg[/img] [i]The symbol of the Steel Sail Hunting Co. which flies on the sails of their vessels.[/i][/center] [b]Faction Name:[/b] Steel Sail Hunting Co. [b]Faction Type:[/b] Monster Hunting/ Monster Protection Company [b]Faction Specie(s):[/b] Any and all with enough balls to take on the monstrosities of the deep. [b]Location:[/b] Port of Hajon, on the farthest edges in the western part of the city, giving easy access to the Sea of Beasts. Privately owned by Commander Jaune Stoli, it houses three ships so far. [b]Faction Description:[/b] The Steel Sail hunting company specializes in hunting sea monsters, delivering cargo through dangerous waters for speedy result, as well as protecting and escorting vessels who don't particularly trust the New Anathagos Navy. From pirates as well as monsters. It's owned by Commander Jaune Stoli, who is the skipper of the Company's flag ship and toughest vessel,[i] The Iron Lass[/i]. The Lass is a Frigate, fitted with iron plating and top of the line cannons. It's crewed with the best sailors and marksman and it's the lass that takes on the largest monsters. The second vessel is a schooner, also fitted with top of the line weapons and plating. [i]Lady Luck[/i], Captain Lana Isoona commands this vessel, often taking on the moderate sized monsters and tougher small monsters. Lady Luck is also the most selected for escort jobs, it's size a perfect mix between power and speed. Finally, The Feline Fatale, a schooner commanded by Captain Eddard Raspon. The youngest and weakest of the company, The Feline Fatale often supports one of the other two vessels in assaulting a large beast. Captain Raspon hopes to increase the fatale's standing in the company, but for now he has to be content with small monster jobs and escort jobs. [b]Faction History:[/b] The Steel Sail Hunting Company was founded 12 years ago, by a 24 year old Jaune Stoli, funded by a small fortune from his noble inheritance. He bought a port and a frigate and hired 65 men to crew and started hunting monsters. Over the years he gained reputation and crew, buying new ships and slaying more monsters, delivering cargo through dangerous waters. He now has three ships under his command and his company is the one place to go if someone wants something big dead, protected, or delivered. [b]Important Characters:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a3/19/ce/a319ced5aa6b3f6b06f849c20e8b5a18.jpg[/img] Commander Jaune Stoli- Born to a declining house of nobility, Jaune Stoli was always interested in exploring the world. His elderly father, having had four sons before himself, two dying in various wars, one crippled from disease, and the other only God knows where, Jaune was the heir to his fortune in his will. Passing away when Jaune was 17, Jaune left his brother the family properties and nobility of the name as he struck out to the open seas as a sailor, sailing with many different captains and even skippering a few of his own. Finally he washed up in New Anathagos, with his inheritance (plus some from his years of adventure) and started up a company of monster-hunting, noble protecting, goods delivering mercenaries. He's now 36 and some future deals could render him a fourth ship and about 75 new crew members, plus a new captain. But that remains to be seen. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/29/f4/56/29f456792eef98dadb87eee808822134.jpg[/img] Captain Lana Isoona- The Captain of Lady Luck and Commander Stoli's former lover, Lana Isoona is a fierce woman that turns heads as well as takes them off. A woman of power in a man's world makes her intimidating to all who meet her. She's an excellent business woman, fighter, and monster hunter. She's also second in command of the company when Jaune needs her to be. [img]http://fantasy-faction.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/2015-SEP-Pirates-Zamira-by-Spader7.jpg[/img] Captain Eddard Raspon- Young, brave, headstrong, Captain of the Feline Fatale, Eddard Raspon is a fledgling captain looking to make his way in the world. 22 years old, he's the nephew of an old friend and mentor of Jaune's who assured the commander that Raspon had the heart of a sailor. So Jaune took him on with the purchase of the schooner and put Raspon in charge of it. He has yet to actually prove himself. only being with the company for a few months and slow months at that. [b]Important Holdings/Territory/Possessions:[/b] The Port of Hajon, on the farthest edges of West New Anathagos, allowing easy access to the Sea of Beasts. [b]Relation to other Factions:[/b] [TBD]