[center][img]http://screenrant.com/wp-content/uploads/Captain-America-Civil-War-New-Concept-Art-Black-Panther.jpg[/img] [url=https://youtu.be/YqWdX8m_K6w][b][i]Legend of the Panther[/i][/b] (Main Theme)[/url] [hr][h1] [COLOR=WHITE]♢[/COLOR] [color=BLACK] B L A C K P A N T H E R[/color] [COLOR=WHITE]♢[/COLOR][/H1][hr] [color=BLACK]Player Name:[/color] Chaotic Chao (Formally CallMeChaotix) [color=BLACK]Character You Wish To Play:[/color] T'Challa Udaku [color=BLACK]Alias:[/color] Black Panther [color=BLACK]Moral Alignment:[/color] Hero [color=BLACK]Affiliation:[/color] None. (But soon the Avengers.) [hider=Marvel Origins: Black Panther] T'Challa was the youngest son of the king of Wakanda, T'Chaka. His older brother, M'Baku was to become the next king of Wakanda. T'Challa didn't really like this and wanted to prove to his father that he could be the next king. He was rather jealous of his older brother. And soon, the trials of the legendary panther were coming. Wakanda was an country in Africa. It was a very advanced country, especially compared to many other countries Africa. It had much technology, and life in it did not have problems with hunger, water, homes, and diseases. It was almost even more advanced that the United States of America. Like many countries, Wakanda had a terrorist problems, some people did not like the rule of T'Chaka, they believed he was not fit for the role and had attacked and threatened many people that were allies and believed in T'Chaka. There were always a king of Wakanda, and the way to become a king there was to pass the trials of the legendary panther. There, you would prove that you could be a great ruler and warrior. Wakanda was also known for a very rare minimal known as Vibranium. It was the ultimate metal, and seemed almost indestructible like Adamantium. Wakanda was very rich in this metal, making it a very rich country. And made the royalty of Wakanda one of the richest people alive. Whoever failed this initiation would be either severely injured or dead. Making this a very dangerous challenge. He wanted to take the test of the legendary panther trials. He was impatient, and wanted to prove that his father that he could be a warrior and to take his place. Unfortunately, this lead up to him being brutally maimed and near death. His older brother, M'Baku had brought him back home. M'Baku had told his father about what had happened to T'Challa. T'Chaka was devastated by the news that his son was dying. And he refused to let him die, so he found a rare mystical herb and had fed it to T'Challa and gave him the best medical treatment he could find. This herb not only kept T'Challa alive, but gave him enhanced abilities. He could run faster, hit harder, and become very flexible than most people. All was good, but nothing stays good for long. Terrorists had gotten their hands on advanced weapons and attacked. It was a devastating battle with forces of order against the terrorists. And soon enough, the terrorists had gotten to M'Baku and T'Chaka, killing them. T'Chaka's body was found, but M'Baku's wasn't. This had crushed T'Challa, and that's what drove him to become the Black Panther. He learned many forms of Martial Arts, and created a black suit out of Vibranium. The suit resembled a cat, with ears on the top of it's head, and claws implanted into the gloves of the suit. It had hints of silver, with a necklace implanted into it. Thus, Black Panther was born. Crime was reduced in Wakanda as he took the role as King of Wakanda. He's known as one of the smartest and richest leaders of a country in the 21st Century. There's a new vigilante, and he's only known as the Black Panther. [/hider] [b][i][color=black]Sharp Claws[/color][/i][/b] - T'Challa has in claws built in his suit. He is able to selectively pull them out, and they resemble panther claws. They are helpful in more than one way. He can climb a wall with these claws and hang on to walls. These claws are mainly used to scratch and sometimes kill. [b][i][color=black]Hand to Hand Combat[/color][/i][/b] - Obviously, he was taught to know hand to hand combat. He knows many forms martial arts. He knows the standard kick, punch, scratch, and things. He's very agile and fast when fighting, almost hard to catch up with if you don't have fast reflexes. He knows how to be lethal with his hands as well, snapping necks with a kick to the head or beating to death. [b][i][color=black]Enhanced Abilities[/color][/i][/b] - He was given enhanced abilities from the mystical herb he ate. Strength, agility, sense, etc. He can hit harder and stronger than the normal human, and could possibly break a rib with one or two punches. He can run really fast, but not as fast as Quicksilver, if he's pushing to his limit. He also has a lot of stamina, letting him run for as much as he needs to. His enhanced sense is very helpful, he can dodge bullets and dodge attacks. This gives him a chance for counter attacks. [b][i][color=black]Great Intellect[/color][/i][/b] - T'Challa is one of the smartest superheroes, making him a fierce opponent. He can make strategies, and think ahead of time. He knows how to handle a hostage situation. He isn't just a man in a black cat-looking suit. The man is smart, and never underestimates his opponent. [color=black]Sample Story Arcs:[/color] [b][i]The Avenging Panther[/i][/b] - T'Challa travels to America to help fight crime. He's soon noticed by the Avengers and recruited. [b][i]King of Wakanda[/i][/b] - After his father dies and his brother goes missing, T'Challa becomes to king of Wakanda, and while still being the Black Panther. In Wakanda, criminals fear the Black Panther because at night, he hunts the guilty. [b][i]Rivals[/i][/b] - On a trip to New York to find a weapons dealer who's been giving criminals military grade weapons in Wakanda, T'Challa runs into a mysterious villain that nearly kills him in battle known as the Man-Ape. T'Challa, unfortunately believes he knows who this rival may be.. [hider=Sample Post] The African thugs walked around the village, having every one of the villagers on their knees. Their were armed with military grade weapons. One of the children whimpered, and her mother told her it would be okay. A militia soldier walked over to the two, and had hit the mother. "Shut up!" He yelled at her, as she cried out. "Mama!" The girl started crying, the soldier was about to hit her until.. *POW* The Black Panther had jumped off a tree, landing both feet first right into the soldier's face! He yelled out, then slammed into the ground. Unconscious, with a little bit of blood running from his forehead onto the ground. The mother and daughter were surprised, then were afraid. [color=black]"Do not fear me, I won't hurt you."[/color] The Black Panther said walking behind them, he then sprouted the claws out of his fingertips and slahed the ropes off the back of their hands with a quick swipe. [color=black]"Go, now!"[/color] He told them as a group of more soldiers ran over. "It's the Panther!" One of the soldiers yelled in an African language. Black Panther looked up at him, and spoke in the same language. [color=black]"You will be punished for your sins."[/color] The soldier stumbled, back in fear and yelled at his men to fire at the Black Panther. They did, but the bullets did nothing but ricochet off of Black Panther's armor. He walked closer and closer as they fired at him. And soon enough their magazine was out, he then roundhouse kicked one so hard they practically flew back a few feet into a tree. He then pulled out his claws as one of them pulled out their Uzi and scratched them in the chest from the right and left, then swiped down at his cheek. The soldier screamed, then Black Panther headbutted him, drawing his claws back in. The next soldier ran at him with the butt of his gun and rammed it at Black Panther caught it, then looked down at the gun and back at the soldier. The soldier's eyes widened in fear of this man, what kind of monster was he? The Panther then rammed his fist into the soldier's nose, breaking it and sending him unconscious. The soldier that was knocked into the tree groaned, awakened. But not for long, as Black Panther did a backflip into him, feet first into his chest. This knocked the wind out of his chest, and he went back to sleep. That was not all the soldiers though, and there were many more hostages to secure. Black Panther had some work to do. [/hider] [/center] [@Dedonus]