[h1][center][b]A new Beginning[/b][/center][/h1] [center][img]http://thumb1.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/1104788/170658194/stock-photo-door-and-wall-of-a-house-completely-overgrown-with-ivy-170658194.jpg[/img][/center] No matter where you've landed, you sit up and before you squats a rather dilapidated building. A Tavern maybe? Surrounding it was a well kept meadow, complete with a small pond. The sound of a small creek running through the miniature body of water brings a small sense of calm over you, even if only for a moment. It would seem, at first glance, a very wild forest set up a perimeter around the meadow. In all, the meadow seemed just barely thirty feet across, if you could guess at such a thing. A second look at the tavern affords you a much better understanding of it's appearance. It's old, like the wood and a small wisp of smoke is making it's way out of a square brick chimney. Most of the structure has been overtaken by ivy and a single wooden door is set into the front wall. A sign hanging from the front of the door reads: “Open”