First off! This role-play, as I'm sure you can tell, will be semi-traditional. I'd like to keep to a solid meta as much as possible. I will implement this by using PMs to impart certain pieces of knowledge to you, the adventures. The more you think of this as a true interaction, the more reward you will get from the experience. You will start out with little ability, no equipment and zero understanding of your situation. Most of these needs will be met early on, that you may enjoy a solid adventure, but! some of these you'll have to work for yourself. Play your character well and take your time, where time can be spared, there's allot riding on it :3 Posting order must be kept! The task at hand requires the group as a whole. It just wouldn't make for a copacetic adventure. That's why each post should be thought through. In case something comes up and any of you cannot continue, please just let me know. I don't want any of you feeling obligated to something you're just not into. There' also a very prevalent chance that you will be stopped on your journey. Whether from internal or external forces within the world or yourself. I'm rambling now. Anyways, most of this will unfold before you, explore, help, live! Expect allot of PMs from me. [center]Be non-traditional![/center]