Finally... [hider= Hamish Connors] Name: Hamish Dylan Connors Gender: Male Age: 60 Rank: Block 66's Black Market Liaison and spy. Appearance: A frail and thin old man, his body worn and tired in a grey and red striped suit almost as worn and faded as it's wearer. Hamish is almost bone thin and six foot tall, he curves above smaller people like a tree. The old man has amazingly a full head of mostly brown hair with trails of grey, but he is as wrinkly and as old as his age would suggest, he has no beard, no birthmarks or scars except for his left eye being a much lighter blue to his right eye, a dark navy blue. Bio: A man born in Britain was brought up in horrible strife, his father dying three years after old Hamish was born he lost his mother soon after to starvation, being swiftly sent to his American Uncle the majority of his life was spent learning about the Black market, getting as involved as his uncle. After dealing on both markets in antique weaponry and armours until he was sixty he arranged to buy a collection of Revolutionary swords. The deal was cut short when Mister Washington was seen by the rather small-time black market dealers and decided to scarper, scared of what Big Zeke did to their friends the Harvey brothers. The frail old man decided to complain to the enforcer about scaring off fellow tradesmen taking their goods away. Whatever happened in that conversation gave the constantly travelling salesman a permanent home in Block 66, where he works with Meyumi when dealing with finances and the black market trading, although he tries as much as he can to spend a small amount of the finances on antiques to decorate more then just his apartment without... Let us say gathering too much pollen from the Rose. Personality: You will see eventually. Other: Hamish despises all forms of pest, from rodents to insects he will kill any he sees unless it's a pet kept on a short leash. He tends to read books he can buy cheaply on the black market. His apartment in the block contains many different forms of antiques, including a floor to roof drawer full of different daggers and small knives from different periods in history, the oldest he managed to collect is a Roman short-sword which he keeps in a specially modified drawer along with an Egyptian knife and a Viking knife forged from a Monastery's holy cross. The elderly man relies on persuasion but is no stranger to intimidation with his many knives. Hamish is strong enough to wield a sword but not a gun, the recoil of an average pistol nearly broke his arm when offered one. Hamish tries to advise Donnie on how to be presentable without being too annoying, however to no avail. Mister Connors is an extremely avid lover of history, especially the wars. [/hider]