[center] [h1] [color=0072bc]Stranded - Open Ocean[/color][/h1] [img]http://cdn.playbuzz.com/cdn/09f654fa-36ff-4f54-8dd6-05659fd4a561/991fe421-0a58-4e4b-8e5d-59a21a0f6697_560_420.jpg[/img] [b]"Sir, are you ok? You've been looking a bit off today."[/b] The flight attendant looked at you with concerned eyes. [b]"Yes, I'm fine. Just need a drink. Can you get me a -"[/b] [b]Scotch on the rocks with a twist? Yes I can,"[/b] She interrupted. She went to go pour you a drink as you heard the plane's engine give off a high pitched noise. Suddenly you felt the plane drop its altidute. There was static from the speaker and then finally a voice. [i]Please remain calm. This is just a minor engine malfunction. We'll be back up in just a moment.[/i] But the high pitched noise continued, and you didn't feel the plane move up in the slightest. The other few passengers with you noticed, and panick spread across their face. [b]"Here is you drink sir. Scotch on the rocks with a tw-"[/b] He plans shook violently and she dropped the drink. The glass shattered in shards all over the floor, but you were more afraid about what was happening outside you window. The plane was dropping and the water was getting closer. Closer. Closer. And then darkness. As you awoke you heard the screams. You felt the freezing waves lap Againts your face as you floated in the night in a black void. Smoke came from a nearby island and then more screams as you saw the bright explosion emit from the plane engine. You felt yourself losing hope, losing the will to keep swimming. But you made it to the island, and you laid down on the sand. [hr][hr] So this RP is basically (almost) completely based off of the game Stranded Deep. Strabded Deep is a game on Steam where your plane crashes and you are stranded in the Pacific Ocean and have to make tools to survive. It's a great game and if you don't already know what it is I suggest you buy it r at least check it out on YouTube. So this game doesn't differ much from that except there's more freedom when making tools and the such, and there is essentially no world border. The OOC will explain some of the generated structures you can find on the map, and also will give a few tips here and there about how not to starve, freeze, drown, fall off of a tree while climbing for coconuts, kill each other off (unless your into that sort of thing), or get eaten by a bitch ass shark. Let's get started, shall we? [h1][color=0072bc]Island Map[/color][/h1] *The Island Map is only temporary and more can be added or changed if necessary. All players will start at different spots on the big island. [img]http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l289/jasonrekor/island%20chain/IslandMap.jpg[/img] [h3][color=0072bc]Structures[/color][/h3] [hider= Structure Stuff]Shipwrecks - Shipwrecks are the most common things to find around an island. You can find bigger ships with better things in it the farther you go in the ocean, but they can be more commonly found right offshore. *Bitch Ass Shark Warning: Sharks are known to roam around shipwrecks that are deep in the ocean, but not all are hostile (check creature log) Sand Holes - Sand Holes can be found mostly closer to the shore. They started off as a divet in the sand and eventually the waves and high tide wore it down into what it is now. Normally items will wash into them from the sea. Seal Den - If you see and extreme mass of kelp not that far from shore, chances are it's a seals den. Seal Dens are a place where seals come to mate and protect their young. Seals and Seal You g can be easily fished out of the kelp if spotted. *Achievement Get: No Eyes - Seals are playful creatures but if they feel threatened they won't hesitate to attack you. Watch out, they have little claws that will go for your eyes. Oil Rigs - Abandoned Oil Rigs can be found in the deep sea. They house many goodies but are a pain in the ass to find and will take a lot of your energy. *Spooky Spooky [/hider] [h3][color=0072bc]Creature Log[/color][/h3] [hider=Bitch Ass Sharks and Regular Sharks] Great White Shark [Bitch Ass] - Normally Found in deep water in shipwrecks and near oil rigs. Hostile. Do not be afraid to stab. If you don't make the first move it will, and I don't think you'll like that. Bull Shark [Bitch Ass] - They are dangerous, especially since they come up to the shore and feed off of unprotected feet. Babies aren't the only ones that like the taste of feet. Wobbegong [Oh Heeeeeeeellll No] - Scientists aren't sure whether to classify this as a shark or a ray (they are both related) but whatever. This thing is about a foot long and blends in with rocks along the shore. If you step on it, either you step on its venomous spike or it's venomous teeth latch onto your foot and sink in lower the more you move. Either way you're screwed. Lemon Shark [Woah, Cool] - Lemon sharks aren't hostile and are found in shallow waters a little ways from the coast. They are neutral and won't attacked unless provoked. Whale Shark [Hey Dere Buddy :D] - Big Ass Sharks that are t harmful at all. It just swallows a crapload of plankton with its mouth, so don't swim in front of it.[/hider] [hider= Other Marine Creatures] Whales [Hey Dere Buddies] - All around friendly creature mindin' there own business. Just keep swimmin'. Just keep swimmin'. Jellyfish [Owww] - It's mainly only the clear ones you have to watch out for. The others you can avoid pretty easily. Their toxicity is t enough to kill you unless you get stung by hundreds or you're allergic. Manta Rays [So. Majestic.] - Honeslty these things are for the sites. Unless your starving. They don't stunt and don't let their 'tusks' intimidate you, they're just for trapping plankton. Unless your traveling in the evening they would be really hard to find. Dolphins [Eeek. Click Click. Eeeekk] - Really fast torpedos that travel in pods. They are usually chasing fish if they are going fast, so if you need a source of food just follow them... If you can keep up. Stingrays [Zap] - Not really bad unless you step on one or provoke one. Some have extremely long tails that can reach your head when raised. Crabs [Awww. So Cute] - Food. Food. Fooooooooood. Turtles [My Dream Still Is, And Will Always Be... To Ride One] - Pretty Cool to find. If you need food and can get up close to it, by all means kill it, though it is frowned upon... By me. Lionfish [Prickly Bastard] - Striped fish with a 'mane' of poisonous spines. Not good if it pokes you. Fishies [Little Tiny Fish, or Some Big Ones] - Food! Delicious Foood![/hider] [h3][color=0072bc]Rules and Character Sheet[/color][/h3] [hider= Da Rules][img]https://bkwrm513.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/zeus-blog-post-keep-calm-follow-the-rules.png[/img] [list] [*] No Godmodding. Do I really even need to put this up here? [*] No Powerplaying, or controlling another's character without their consent. [*] Post at least 4 times a week. Sometimes posts will go faster than that, as it will be fast paced at some moments, but as long as you can catch up and stay with us I don't mind only four posts a week. [*] I'm not one to have you write 25,000 character books, but if you want to be my guest. The only thing I don't want is one-three liners. If you get your point across in four lines or more, then I'm fine with that, but don't slack just because I'm letting four-liners go. I still want some descriptive writing. [*] If you aren't going to be active for two or more days and you know, please tell me. I get it, things pop up in life, it happens to me too, but if you know in advance there is no harm in telling me, I don't bite. [*] Sure, romance is allowed, but when the clothes start to come off, fade to black or take it to PM. [*] I'm ok with language, you might see it from me throughout the RP, but don't sware in EVERY. SINGLE. SENTANCE. It really ruins the RP. [*] While it's not encourage, In Game drama is allowed, but keep it in game. If you have a problem don't post it in the thread, PM it to me. If it still can't be resolved, take it to the mods. [/list] I have the right to change these rules at any time. I'll give you a warning or two, but then you are outta here.[/hider] [Hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Height: Weight: Previous Occupation: Likes: What Does your character enjoy? At least five. Dislikes: What does your character hate the crap out of? At least Five. Fears: At Least Three. Personality: At least two detailed Paragraphs History: At Least three detailed paragraphs.[/hider] [/center]