[center][h1][color=00aeef]M[/color]arco [color=00aeef]A[/color]nd [color=00aeef]S[/color]ampson[/h1][/center] [hr] The young mage had situated himself at an empty table far from the entrance, beside a window that offered a view of the town outside. He sat with a sigh and waited for his order to arrive. He wasn't sure if he would be given a drink, but he was alright either way. He lightly touched at his wound as a flash of pain appeared suddenly. [color=00aeef]"That brew seemed to not be as effective as I hoped,"[/color] he stated as he lowered his arm and brushed his palm again the hilt of the knife that was used to assault him. For a little while, Marco was left alone. After all, everyone was busy getting situated in their own ways, some already falling into their own discussions. However, one of the Sentinels didn't have any talking on the mind, and was instead thinking about catching up on all of the food he missed. This Sentinel, of course, was Sampson Avary, and already he had snuck into the kitchen and exited with heaping plates of food. To complete the getaway, though, he had to find a place to sit, which is what brought him to the mage's mostly empty table. [b]"Mind if I sit here, Mr. Maxwell?"[/b] He jolted as he heard the new voice, his mind slipping into a dark corner. [color=00aeef]"Y-yes, sure! Sorry, my lord Avary,"[/color] the boy was clearly flustered and scrambled to clear a spot for the Sentinel. Moving aside his bags had caused the knife to slip free from the oiled cloth it was wrapped in. He quickly ducked down to retrieve it, the darkened blade gleaming in the candlelit inn. He went silent for a brief period, unsure of what to say to someone like a Sentinel. He didn't know the man personal, only the title and surname. Apart from passing, Marco was certain that this was their first meeting. [color=00aeef]"How is the food?,"[/color] he began timidly, [color=00aeef]"How does it compare to home?"[/color] Even if Sampson had just gotten his food, the question Marco had asked couldn't have been to anyone better suited to answer it as the Sentinel was already rapidly becoming an expert. He had a way of devouring his food at almost a frightening speed, and yet he never came close to seeming like he might choke or get full- [b]"Oh, it's pretty good! It's got a nice, home cooked flavor to it. A little different from what they serve at the castle, but I like it."[/b] Marco's face brightened a bit at the news. He had enjoyed the food within the castle, Madame had a magic to her cooking that would warm any soul. Though it made him nostalgic, it also made him homesick. He sighed a bit and smiled softly. [color=00aeef]"Good to know, though I doubt I could eat at this point in time."[/color] Marco eyed the Sentinel, nearly a decade his senior, and began to understand why the Prince had chosen the man. "Lord Avary, if you would forgive me, may I ask you a question about being a Sentinel?" He placed the knife on the table before him, the tip pointed towards his core. [color=00aeef]"I was curious as to why Lord Serio had chosen me for this journey, seeing as I am nothing more than a bookkeeper and scribe in all truth. My magical talents are weak and unimpressive compared to that of my master, but he and the queen both saw fit to bring me along this trip."[/color] Not much could get Sampson to stop eating, and being asked a question certainly wasn't one of those things. After all, eating helped him think, so the young man with the messy brown hair continued to munch away as his eyebrows raised ever slightly. No more than a minute passed by before he swallowed, saying, [b]"I think it's because you're so young the Prince brought you along. That's what we Sentinels do; we look after people, do our best to keep them safe, and so that's what you're doing. Besides, you might learn something, too."[/b] With that he went back to munching, but even as he did so one hand reached forwards, turning the tip of the knife away from Marco and off into a direction to the side, away from either of them. He took the answered in with a nod as his guest went back to eating again. [color=00aeef]"Sounds like it would be reasonable,"[/color] he replied as the knife was turned away. Its keen edge pointed a safe direction. [color=00aeef]"Being a Sentinel must be a honor, though I do wish that I could provide and protect for myself and my country with more than petty tricks and cheap flashes."[/color] The memories of the previous night were still fresh in his mind. He stared hard at the knife that wounded him as his shoulder ached again. He was about to speak again, a breath being drawn in, as a plate of food was placed before him and a pint of juice as well. Of course he was too young to drink, so he nodded and mouthed a thank to the maiden that served him. He began his meal with a silent prayer to the Divine before tearing meat with his hands and nibbling here and there. [color=00aeef]"Hmm, they added a spice to the meat. Tastes savory, but there is a heat there that blends well. I will need to remember that."[/color] The young mage used his free hand to reach into his bag and retrieve his personal tome and began to scribe the sensation he felt down. He flipped past designs and scribbles of runes to a fresh page. He used a quill that required no ink, for his magic filled the pages with his thoughts. Being ambidextrous held its advantages, though he favored his left more often than not. Unnoticed to him however, the knife's blade began to glow with runes of his work as he continued to write. It was almost as if it reacted to his magic, being aware to what he was doing. The Sentinel almost missed it as well, so entranced was he in his food. However, when he happened to glance in that direction he blinked, before sitting up a little straighter. [b]"Er, Mr. Maxwell, just what are you doing?"[/b] Marco did not look from his work, which had transformed from simple recipe to redesigning his attire. He had a vision of armor worn over robes to protect himself, but not to limit his movements. As frail as he was, he could quickly gain muscle mass with a flick of the tongue. [color=00aeef]"Hm? Oh nothing, Lord Avary. I was simply debating on how to change my wardrobe if the need arose to fight again."[/color] When the tore his eyes from the book, in hopes to better show the Sentinel, he became aware of what was transpiring. A puzzled look appeared on the boys face as gazed down at the knife. He wiped the grease from his finger and lifted the blade to have a better look. [color=00aeef]"By the Divine, is that my work? Could this be a by product of my blood during my magical awakening? I know that Master Codigo stated that the blood of a Magus could be used as a catalyst, but I never knew that this is what he had meant. If I had known that my blood was the cause of the stains on this blade, I wouldn't have tried so hard to cleanse it off."[/color] He was clearly in awe with this discovering, ignorant to what the Sentinel might have been thinking at that point in time. [color=00aeef]"However, blood magic can be dangerous. Fuck me, if only the library wasn't so far away now. I could do more study on it."[/color] Realizing what he had said, he stole a glance at Avary briefly. [color=00aeef]"Pardon my language of course, I lost sight of my current surroundings."[/color] [b]"It's, er... Fine."[/b] Sampson gave Marco a little smile, though it was slightly strained. The Sentinel was definitely more of a physical fighter than a magical one, rather he relied entirely on the physical as most of the Sentinels did, so he didn't understand too much about the in depth nature of magic. Still, he knew enough to know that blood magic could certainly be... unpleasant, especially if things didn't go well. [b]"Just, uh... Be careful, I suppose."[/b] Marco had placed the knife back down again at hearing the Sentinel's reply. [color=00aeef]"Speaking of being careful, I have a rather strange request my lord."[/color] He rotated his journal so that Lord Avary could view it easily. [color=00aeef]"Could you...,"[/color] he started slowly, [color=00aeef]"could you help me train? I don't want to be useless in a time of crisis again. I don't want to bring shame on my family name anymore than I have during the last incident." [/color] He hadn't really spoken about that night to anyone, he doubted that anyone could view that night in casual regard. He still remembered the fear that gripped at his soul as those twisted abominations continued to rise after each strike. In that moment, Sampson happened upon the first thing that made him stop eating in awhile. Upon hearing the young mage's request the Sentinel slowly lowered his fork, blinking several times. After just a moment of thought though he slowly nodded, smiling. [b]"I don't mind doing that at all. I'll do the very best I can to help you."[/b] Nodding in agreement, an energy surged through the boy. He didn't know what type of training the Sentinel had in mind and he had no idea what to prepare for. Being honest, he wasn't even sure how long he would be able to keep up. However, he would do his damnedest to follow instructions. [color=00aeef]"Thank you, my lord. I doubt that I will ever be able to repay you for this kindness."[/color] Sampson laughed ever slightly, giving a slight shake of his head. [b]"Start off by calling me Sampson. I'm not a Lord, and I don't need to be called one."[/b] The boy smiled and nodded again. [color=00aeef]"And I am not a mister, yet. I am just a young boy who can make fancy lights and petty tricks."[/color] He was humble of his gifts, about a lot of his person honestly. [color=00aeef]"Now, it looks like you could use a drink. I am surprised that you haven't chocked yet with how you wolf down your food like that."[/color] Sampson gave a slight chuckle, shrugging afterwards. [b]"It took a lot of practice, and too many accidents than I could count. But yes, you're probably right, and I wouldn't complain."[/b]