Rook found himself in a similar position to last time, but now his body wasn't responding at all. After being hit by the hi-speed flying karp, he was lopped on his side, whining and wincing. Havoc immediately darted to his pokemon's side, carefully scooping up Rook and escorting him back out of the frey. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I was smarter, stronger, you wouldn't be hurt like this. [i]Twice[/i],"[/color] whispered Havoc into his cradled arms. He was now far enough away that he turned back around and sat cross-legged with Rook in his lap. [color=bc8dbf]"You were brave and noble, Rook and you're ready to make the selfless sacrifice more than once. No matter how you feel, you're not a loser and you haven't lost. Look up."[/color] explained Havoc. Rook, unsure of what his trainer meant, glanced up at the fight. "The Poliwag that we couldn't beat is already retreated. The water advantage for the magikarp is gone," Havoc fished at his waist for Rook's pokeball. [color=bc8dbf]"If you want to go back into your pokeball, I'll get you healed right away, but this is still your fight, you've earned the right to see it to the end, even from the sidelines,"[/color] Havoc brought his hand close to Rook's face, close enough for Rook to push the pokeball button to re-enter it. Instead, Rook headbutted Havoc's hand, deciding to wait till the end of the fight. Havoc smiled and gently stroked Rook's mane while they waited. [color=bc8dbf]"You've done great champ. This will be the last time you have to watch from the bench. I [i]promise[/i]."[/color] While waiting, Havoc pulled up his pokedex, and scanned it on the four pokemon still in battle. It was obvious he still had much to learn. A Ninja adapts and learns even when they are actively doing nothing. This was his time to study the battle. [color=6ecff6]"BUDEW - SENSITIVE TO CHANGING TEMPERATURE, THE BUD IS SAID TO BLOOM WHEN IT FEELS THE SUN'S WARM TOUCH.IT LIVES ALONGSIDE CLEAR PONDS. IT SCATTERS POLLEN THAT INDUCES HARSH SNEEZING AND RUNNY NOSES. POOCHYENA - AN OMNIVORE—IT WILL EAT ANYTHING. A DISTINGUISHING FEATURE IS HOW LARGE ITS FANGS ARE COMPARED TO ITS BODY. THIS POKÉMON TRIES TO INTIMIDATE ITS FOES BY MAKING THE HAIR ON ITS TAIL BRISTLE OUT. AT FIRST SIGHT, POOCHYENA TAKES A BITE AT ANYTHING THAT MOVES. THIS POKÉMON CHASES AFTER PREY UNTIL THE VICTIM BECOMES EXHAUSTED. HOWEVER, IT MAY TURN TAIL IF THE PREY STRIKES BACK. MACHOP - IT HEFTS GIANT BOULDER POKEMON IN MOUNTAINOUS REGIONS REPEATEDLY TO STRENGTHEN ITS ENTIRE BODY. IT USES EVERY TYPE OF MARTIAL ARTS. ITS WHOLE BODY IS COMPOSED OF MUSCLES. MACHOP'S MUSCLES ARE SPECIAL—THEY NEVER GET SORE NO MATTER HOW MUCH THEY ARE USED IN EXERCISE. THIS POKÉMON HAS SUFFICIENT POWER TO HURL A HUNDRED ADULT HUMANS. MAGIKARP - VIRTUALLY USELESS IN BATTLE AS IT CAN ONLY SPLASH AROUND. AS A RESULT, IT IS CONSIDERED TO BE WEAK. HOWEVER, IT IS ACTUALLY A VERY HARDY POKÉMON THAT CAN SURVIVE IN ANY BODY OF WATER NO MATTER HOW POLLUTED IT IS. IT IS UNABLE TO SWIM AGAINST EVEN SLOW-MOVING CURRENTS. IT IS THE MOST WEAK AND PATHETIC POKÉMON IN THE WORLD."[/color] Havoc blinked at the last entry. [color=bc8dbf]"That's what beat us? ...I suck." [/color] [hr] Location: S.S.Expedition Current Team: [img][/img] Rook the Houndour¦Status: FNT¦Level: 5 Inventory: Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)