[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=6ecff6][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Arizonia-Regular.ttf&size=100&style_color=6ecff6[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][@Scallop] [@POOHEAD189] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@DizzyIsabella] [@Charnobylisk] [@Xtreme] [@Nallore] [@Pundii][/center][hr][hr] The world watches as events unfold, the earth ever rotating and movement seems to never cease. Yet there are times, very few ones in which things seem to slow down and even stop. Every action and reaction frozen in time as others are incapable but do to anything but stop and stare as the scene unfolds around them. Then like a bow string pulled back, time is released once again to lunge forward and shot you into the chaos. Does your heart race in that moment? Do the blood in your veins seem to turn to ice? The weight of the world pressing against your chest making it impossible to breath? We each have our own reactions to these moments in life. They are the catalyst to the human condition known as fight or flight. But what starts these moments? For each person it is different. Much of the time it is a simple domino effect; one piece knocking into the next and unless the chain is broken there is nothing to do but wait for the end. These times are when Lady Luck come into play. She has been here since the beginning. She was there playing her game of chance from day one. Each time you stepped out of the safety of your apartment, each step you took down the streets; to eat, to shop, to run. Even standing by a simple smoker gabbing and drinking she has been watching over and rolling for each of your lives. Eerie isn't it? To think that already each one of you could be a victim in this random chance, but you knew that was the case when the game began. And below, Lady Luck rears her ugly head for the first time to make a point; No one is safe. Not you, not I. Death comes for us all at one point and no matter what you do you cannot escape it. She has claimed her first; mark this day for this is just the beginning. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Danica Graves[/color][/i][/b][/h1] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzr4pwRAD51qb3dq0o1_400.gif[/img][hr][b]Location:[/b] The Alleyways -> Building under renovation across the street from Boston Heights [b]Interacting With:[/b] Herself, another and all those at the block party. [@Scallop] [@POOHEAD189] [@Sigil] [@Morose] [@Dragoknighte] [@DizzyIsabella] [@Charnobylisk] [@Xtreme] [@Nallore] [@Pundii] [hr][hr][/center] The run started off easily enough, a simple beat with highs and lows. It was a good beginning as the music pumped into her ear drums. Song after song switched out for a new one. Each one driving her harder than the one before; each one the BPM went up a few. [url=https://youtu.be/awvqIi427_A]And We Run[/url], 129 beats per minute, was a steady point in the run as she went to her last location before heading back towards home. One last obstacle to conquer before she took a breather. Down the alleyway, up onto the dumpster, grab the fire escape ladder, pull it down, up she went. [i]And we run.[/i] Each step she took, each twist and turn as she climbed higher, each leap of faith she took was to the beat of the music; each word sung motivated her. She was in her zone. This is what she loved and lived for. [i]And we run.[/i] Each bead of sweat was a badge of honor, each second pushing through the pain was another moment alive. [i]Work thru the pain.[/i] Through the strips of hanging plastic in an open window, dipping and flipping through the scaffolding between the floors that had been torn down. [i]No time for tears.[/i] Keep moving, keep pushing; each day on the streets was longer than the one before it. Her chest burned with each breath she drew; her heart thumping to the beat of the music. Working her way higher and higher, up each floor as she covered the grounds. [i]Yeah, we outta here![/i] she heard as she pushed through the upper door and out onto the rooftop. Looking over the city, the sun setting off in the distance; even though the city was filled with all sorts of debauchery, up at this vantage point all seemed peaceful. The black skyline of the city below her was rather breathtaking as the wind kicked around her; cooling her sweat drenched skin. Placing her hands on her hips she walked around slowly; just observing the sky line and the flickering neon lights from the buildings below. This was close to the top of the mountain that she could get within the city and with a view like that it would do. Pulling the buds out of her ears she tucked each one under a strap of her sports bra; the sound of the block party below carrying up to the rooftop above. She stood there listening to the heavy base and pacing around a bit as she wiped away the sweat from her brow. She needed to get back to her apartment, take a quick shower, and at least make an appearance at the block party. Those type of gatherings were not exactly her thing but she wouldn't avoid it completely. It was a good way to at least get to know the names and faces of the neighbors. Some she had met, a couple she had become friends with, but there were a good many of them she hadn't really gotten to know; a quick wave hello or goodbye as she passed them. Even living in such close quarters did not ensure you knew who was in the same building as you. Danica was ready to head out of the building now that she caught her breath a bit, she would take it slow going down so she could cool off and catch her breath fully. "You really need to keep your nose out of things," a voice said from long shadows behind cast over the building thanks to the setting sun. Danica slowly glanced over her shoulder, her hands dropping from her hips as she continued to turn until she was facing the direction of the voice. She couldn't see who was there, all she could see was the soft cherry glow of the tip of a cigarette and a trail of smoke bleeding out into the air above it. [color=a187be]"Excuse me?"[/color] she asked as a single brow arched. The ember glowed a little brighter as the person in the shadows took another puff. The ember seeming to float off to the side as the end was flicked and ashes fell to the concrete roof top below. Danica stood there, her eyes following the light as she awaited an answer that was coming a little too slowly for her liking. "Just had to pry into things that have nothing to do with you didn't you?" the person asked as they stepped forward some. Danica's lipped thinned a bit to the question and as the person stepped out of the shadows and flicked the cigarette towards her; it landing at her feet and rolling slowly to a stop as it still smoldered. Danica could feel her heart rate climb as she recognized the face. [color=a187be]"It has everything to do with me."[/color] The woman just shook her head a bit as she looked towards Danica. Dani's eyes narrowed as the woman stepped closer, Dani taking a reflexive step back but there wasn't really anywhere to go. The door was on the other side of the roof as was the fire escape; to her back was the block party five stories below. "No where to go and no where to hide. You really should have stayed on that mountain," the woman said as her arm raised; gripped in her hand the cold steel of a hand gun. Danica's fight or flight response kicked into high gear and it began. The [url=https://youtu.be/CSvFpBOe8eY]music[/url] from the block party below easily drowning out each punch that landed, each yelp, each grunt, each thud as bodies hit the roof top floor. [i]Wake up (wake up)[/i]. Blood splattered on to the dirty tarred surface as knuckles connected with jaws; ribs cracked as knees were driven mercilessly into the side. Each exchanged blows, each missed, each connected but this was beyond the usual fight. [i]Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up.[/i] This wasn't a fight on the mat with someone of equal experience. This wasn't a mountain to be conquered. This was a fight for the final breath, [i]deserve to diiiieeee![/i] What choice was there left? Danica felt the gloved hand wrap around her throat and the cold steel of the barrel placed to her temple as she pushed against the bricks; the rough stone breaking through the skin of bare lower back. Danica struggled as she gasped for breath, her hands coming up and trying to wrestle the gun away from her assailant. "No one will ever even make the connection." Danica's eyes widened at the words. They wouldn't, not like this. [i]Trust in my self-righteous suicide.[/i] But she could make sure they did. [color=a187be]"They will now."[/color] The woman looked confused for the split heartbeat between Danica's words and her own realization to their meaning but it was too late. Danica's hand came up to the gun, her fingers wrapping around the grip as she kicked the woman back. The woman stumbled as all she could do was watch Danica as the trigger was pulled in the chaos and the bullet broke free from its chamber. "No!" the woman bellowed but it was drowned out as the bass thumping of the block party below. There was nothing she could do as Danica's lifeless body went limp and fell back over the edge of the roof top. The first sign from above that could be visible from those down the streets as she began to come out of the heavens. Slowly she seemed to fall, descending to the ground below. [i]I cry when angels deserve to die.[/i] Her body crashed into one of the tables on the sidewalk, flattening the thing with the force of impact. The wood splintered and the contents that had once resided on its surface flung out from the scene. Pieces of wood metal, glass and more flew out from her as the gun remained grasped in her quickly chilling fingers. Several metal pieces that once held the table together ejecting from the scene and hitting Riley. The music went silent as Danica lay there, blood streaming from the [i]self-inflicted[/i] wound, the burn of the muzzle evident around the hole. Her open eyes stared out into the nothingness that was now her home; darker than black.