[hider=Jocelyn Liverbraith][center] [h2]Jocelyn Liverbraith[/h2] :: [b]Nicknames[/b] :: Joce (spoken: "Joss"), Josey, Joccy ("Jossy"), Joice ("Choice") [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/2ceaf7a535af1fb2b9a1662377e8c7c0/tumblr_nzqujigte11ru72gvo1_500.gif[/img] :: [b]Personality[/b] :: Jocelyn is a rather quiet woman and will rather observe than speak up herself. She is in good body condition and very fast on her feet. She doesn't lose breath easily and can walk a while before needing a rest. On the other hand she is not too awesome on puzzles or tricks, although she tries her best to solve any problem that comes her way, she often sees the "solution" in just stepping away from it, leaving it there and ignoring it. Jocelyn is all in one a friendly person, but on a bad day she can get quiet bitchy. She likes to be a help rather than a burden and will do anything she can to not be in anyone's debt. She is a helpful kind and even though she is not the best at making the plans, she will gladly do the hard work it takes to accomplish it. She doesn't trust easily, but once you earned her trust she will do anything to protect you. But if that trust gets broken, it will be a hard piece of work to earn it back. [/center][/hider]