[center][h1] Tanya Watson [/h1][/center] "Thank you." Tanya said while grabbing some of the Chinese takeout that was ordered. She noticed the group gathered around the new arrival and was rather tempted to just ignore them. The temptation was strong due to how strange they all seemed, but it was pointless considering that they would all be working together soon. She let out an internal sigh and decided to approach. Her mind went through a dozen potential futures including all their responses and even Garbage's arrival. "Nice to meet you Garbage. I'm Tanya Watson." Tanya veered into a future in which she shook the woman's hand, but even then she was unsure of any long term harm. Still she seemed nice with an interesting name. "They'll be a paintball match soon with powers. Not sure about joining in myself since I don't think I'll be that useful." That was a lie since her abilities would be very useful for this, but Tanya wasn't entirely confident in her potency. She still had trouble trying to not get confused when seeing the future. Even now it was a little annoying trying to get a feel for the right timeline.