[@Celaira][@KRIEEEG][@Leslie Hall][@Lunar][@LazyTitan1565][@rechonq][@SaberClass4242][@Classpet][@Invader Len][@Airalin] This is an important announcement: This RP will officially kick off next month on the first, July the 1st. I'm aware that many people that live in the USA, like myself, may not be able to start a story immediately after launch that weekend because of 4th of July. That's fine, just no stories before then, that's all. This does not mean that you should push this aside for a whole month and try to remember to check back in July. Instead, you can help prepare this RP for launch. As I discussed in an earlier post, I am looking to let you all write the descriptions on each of the regions within the continents, thus allowing you to directly affect the lore of this RP. [u][i][b]Call dibs on your region of choice ASAP[/b][/i][/u] and then take your time writing a 4 to 6 paragraph description of the region. I previously said that you could post that here. You still can, or you can just post it directly into the respective region's board and edit it from there. I've been tossing around the idea, and I have decided to offer moderator status to anyone that helps during this time of build up. Furthermore, if you write a region's description, you also get first dibs on being the person that reads through stories created in that region to shortly summarize them into one plot every month. You may also be offered moderator status for getting a large number of people to join and say that they were referred by you. If you think of any other way to help, I might offer moderator status for that as well. Now, just because I make you a moderator offer, does not mean you have to accept if you don't want the responsibility. I'm fine with help just for the sake of helping. Once again, here's a link to the site for the RP: [url]http://fifth-earth.freeforums.net[/url] Thanks Everyone!! Balthazar007