hoping it's not too late to join this Name: Ignatius Spirit Vaughn, goes by Iggy or Ig Appearance: [hider][IMG]https://41.media.tumblr.com/704ea6514f029e7608b6b118c9f12bbf/tumblr_o270bmBctj1ru8qzko1_500.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [hider][IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/23/ac/3a/23ac3ad0c5fa799ac4907c92da881036.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Ig's 6'4, with a lean and wiry build, he has blue eyes and dark hair that's always spiked up. Age: 17 Personality: Ig has never done well with structure or rules, as a kid he had a lot of freedom and is used to being able to do what he wanted. Having a lot of freedom from a young age made it difficult to really be rebellious and he naturally was drawn to the very few things his mom disproved of like smoking and fighting. Although he likes to think he doesn't care about other peoples opinions about him he frequently does things, usually stupid or dangerous, for attention. He's friendly and outgoing, he's used to being a part of a large community so he likes to have a lot of people around and he can get along with most people. History: Ig's mom was one of those artistic hippie types and his dad, although not around, played in a Grateful Dead cover band. He's met his dad a few times and though he seemed like a cool guy he wasn't really the father type. His mother always encouraged him to have a free and rebellious spirit. His mother is an artist, a painter, and also works at an art museum. Ig had a fairly unconventional upbringing, he and his mom lived in an artists commune where he was home schooled by his mom and the other residents. While he liked the freedom he had living there, Ig was never the hippie type. He was always sneaking out and going to punk shows, getting into fights and eating red meat which are some of the few things his mother disapproved of. When he was fourteen his mom moved into her own apartment after she started to become more successful as an artist. She wanted Ig to have a slightly normal high school experience and didn't really have the time to keep up with home schooling. It was a difficult adjustment for Ig to have to deal with all the added rules and structure and to be expect to sit still and pay attention for hours at a time. His does well in art classes and English, he's descent with science but he's barely passing math and history classes. He and his mom have two pets, one blue and gold macaw named Ringo, and a Dutch Shepard named Rollins. [hider=Rollins][IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-C9kWzhlSosY/ULtd3CMo9XI/AAAAAAAAAXA/-OLVJ3_ZKiQ/s1600/DutchShepherd.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Skills: Endurance, fast runner, and a scrappy fighter.