[hr][hr][center][h1][color=65f3c9]Bailey Renee Sinclaire[/color][/h1] [img]http://i64.tinypic.com/122lobm.png[/img] [color=65f3c9][sub]Throw the left hand, you duck that one, this right bitch won't miss you.[/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Name: [indent]Bailey Renee Sinclaire[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Age: [indent]Twenty-Two[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Gender: [indent]Female[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Height: [indent]Five foot one[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Weight: [indent]One hundred and twenty five pounds[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Previous Occupation: [indent]Waitress[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://i67.tinypic.com/qoc8ie.jpg[/img][hr][/center] [center][color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Passionate [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Impulsive [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Charismatic [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Unreliable [color=65f3c9]▾[/color][/center] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Personality: [indent]Bailey is a very fun loving young woman, who spent most of her teen years grounded for doing something her parents didn't want her to. If you gain her trust you will have a friend for life, if you lose her trust you will have a hard time receiving anything at all from Bailey. She loves passionately hard, and takes care of her close friends extremely well- that is..when she remembers to contact them or show up at the place she was told to meet at. Her mouth gets her in trouble more often than not, and she is the one to start swinging first in a fight. If she doesn't like you, she will let you know right to your face. First impressions definitely aren't Bailey's strong point.[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Likes & Dislikes: [indent]+ Sleeping in late + Coke and Whiskey + Homecooked meals + Swimming + Music - Small spaces - Texting - Chapped lips - Sunburn - Being told what to do[/indent] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Fears: [indent]- Wasps - Never going home - Not having a family of her own[/indent] [center][hr][img]http://i66.tinypic.com/1zq9ehj.png[/img][hr][/center] [color=65f3c9]▾[/color] Biography: [indent]Born and raised in the deep south to Baker and Gloria Sinclaire, Bailey was brought up as an only child. She was destined to be a sweet southern belle but all of that training really went out the window the moment she turned thirteen. That was the age Bailey took to the more fast paced lifestyle. Always be on the move. The family still however attended church every Sunday, arriving early and staying late. Her parents both worked at the high school while she attended: her father as a janitor and her mother as a secretary in the main office. You'd think this would motivate Bailey to do well in school, but the only thing it really did was make it more accessible to get hall passes and excuses to leave class. Barely grabbing her diploma at the end of high school- college was not really in the horizon for the young woman so she began working as a waitress at a small diner in her hometown. Bailey always did well with interacting with other people, the customers enjoyed her sweet smile and big personality wrapped into her short frame. A broken dish here and a 20 minute late shift was easily excused when Bailey opened her mouth. Most if not all of her co-workers enjoyed her company and it wasn't long before they considered her as a part of their group. There wasn't too big of a surprise when a few of the people working asked if Bailey would like to tag along on their trip they had planned during a scheduled vacation. She of course agreed instantly and worked around the cheapest flights she could muster up to meet her friends in Australia for their journey away from home. Transferring several planes trying to be cheap about things, she found herself on the plane that would change her life forever. [/indent]