[hr][hr][center][h1][color=goldenrod]Valona “Norsa” Norsys[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr][color=goldenrod][b]Location:[/b][/color] Storehouse - Gorlf Northern Territory [color=goldenrod][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] Kyra [@Lady Amalthea] and Malkus [@Lucius Cypher][hr] Valona grinned like a wicked imp as she watched Malkus's reaction and she hopped down from the hearth and sulked over behind Malkus as he sat down in the corner. She knew exactly what he had said but she wasn't about to let him find out just yet. She literally followed him around like a lost pup and remained uncharacteristically quiet. Granted, Malkus wouldn't be aware of this but Kyra most definitely would. The women may only have met a short while ago but Valona hadn't exactly been quiet nor subtle. Valona could hardly remove the smork from her face as she hovered around the half-orc and stared at him, throwing the odd bit of grain from the floor at him and awaited his reaction. She was evidently bored and looking for entertainment. Looking over to Kyra as she continued to throw small projectiles from the floor of the storehouse, Valona cleared her throat and pointed to the door and then to Kyra. She then literally scuttled, hands and feet on the ground, towards Kyra and whispered into her ear so that Malkus could not hear her. [color=goldenrod]"[i]I can handle this one if you want to go find your friends? I promise not to set the place on fire...[/i]"[/color] Her face looked genuine despite how crazy she looked in general. She then muttered under her breath so that no one but herself could hear. [color=goldenrod][i]"much..."[/i][/color] Valona shuffled back over to the fire, near to where the half-orc had left his items to dry and she sniffed at them much like a dog would. [color=goldenrod]"...what do you mean it smells like a bear shit in it? I think that's just how he smells."[/color] Valona looked up into the sky and frowned at nothing. Then she ducked her head down, her arms raising up as if to protect herself and then she grabbed the poncho before throwing it on her head. [color=goldenrod]"No I will not dump it in the fire. I don't care how dry it will make it! The smell will just get worse!"[/color][hr]