[h3][color=29afdd]Lilisette the Kirlia[/color][/h3][b][Folio Town - Observation Post][/b] [b][@Light Lord][/b] Thrusting her arms into the air, the Kirlia then brought them down into hyped fists. [color=29afdd]"MEGAAAA EVOLUTION!"[/color] With a wide smile, she looked over the Totodile with an excited expression. [color=29afdd]"It's REALLY cool too! Or so they say. But um, most Pokémon don't evolve when they touch Awakening though, they just get more powerful. So you're totally super special. I hear you become this tank and can just like, take on EVERYTHING. EVEN THE SHADOW LORD! I heard you basically SOLO'D him!"[/color] The Kirlia's eyes were sparkling, and she was super hyped about everything involving Devon.