[quote=@Guardian Angel Haruki] A vote eh? My vote is also Nay. An Absolute Nay. The humans already have unique abilities from their soul colors. In my opinion, adding a watch that could stop time not only seems unnecessary and excessive, but it also breaks the lore and rules that Major Ursa already established. There's also this little question: [i]How the heck would a human get their hands on a magic watch, in a modern day setting, before going to the Underlake?[/i] [/quote] Oh shit i forgot about the soul thing. Yeah no wait, i think i might wanna change my vote here. With soul abilities, the watch gives an absolute edge. I could buy the watch being a family heirloom of some kind (maybe a war trophy?) but it would have to lose all magical properties, probably forever. Also, can monsters even make magical objects? I dont remember an instance in the game where that happens. If there were, they wouldnt need the Core, right? Yeah im gonna change my answer to absolute nay. Even if i do like the 2hu reference.