"I ask you to judge me by the enemies I have made" - FDR [b] General Characteristics[/b] Name: Felix Payne [img]http://cdn-ugc.cafemom.com/gen/constrain/500/500/80/2012/08/20/14/e5/2s/por0yo5mgw.jpg [/img] [b]Personal Characteristics[/b] Birth Date: August 18th, 1996 Age: 20 Birth Place: Ireland Desires: To take Asha away from the traveler lifestyle Secrets: He's in love with Asha [b]Mental Characteristics[/b] Known Languages: English. Temperament: Sanguine [b]Philosophical Characteristics[/b] Morality: Good and bad are relative terms. Perception: The glass is full of $20,000 champagne. [b]Spiritual Characteristics[/b] Religion: Catholic Virtues: Well... Vices: Envy, greed, lust, pride, and sloth. (Does your character exhibit Lust, Greed, Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Envy, Wrath, or Despair? Only the 8 listed should be used, and only the ones whose opposites are not listed above should be used.) [b]Apparel[/b] Wardrobe: He dresses like a typical teenage boy, but his clothes are designer. [b]Social Characteristics[/b] Emotional Stability: Extremely hot headed, and rather scrappy. Humor: He thinks jokes about race and sex/gender are hilarious. Reputation: He's idolized by those around him who don't actually know him...those who do know him think he's a prick. Status: Idolized or hated. [b]Physical Characteristics[/b] Height: 6'2" Weight: 167lbs Nationality/Species: Human Skin: Tan Hair Color: Dirty blond Hair Length: Short Eye Color: Brown [b]Health and Fitness[/b] Addictions: Tobacco Handicaps: Asthma [b]Sexual Characteristics[/b] Gender: Male Orientation: Heterosexual Significant Other: N/A