[hr][i][h1][color=skyblue]Wendy Lucker[/color], & [color=lightseagreen]Rowan Campbell[/color].[/h1][sub]Written in collaboration with [@Zombiedude101].[/sub][/i][hr][hider=Gorillaz - Doncamatic (Joker Remix)][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPmW58Bv7kg[/youtube][/hider][hr] [U][I]Academy 61, Roseview.[/I][/u] Luckily, at this time of day the dorms were fairly quiet - a lot of people were still out finishing their last lessons or stretching their legs elsewhere. Technically, this corner was a part of the dorms - but people seldom came here for whatever reason, probably because there wasn't anything of interest beyond a few chairs haphazardly dragged here by past students - along with a gap in the perimeter fence that lead out into the thick forest surrounding the place, on a trail loosely headed towards Eastgriffin. Rowan, on his part, was happy to kick up his feet on a cardboard box and plant his ass down on one of the chairs. "I'm Rowan, I guess." "Oh, nice to meet you, Rowan." Wendy cheerfully said as she steppped into Rowan's "special place." She was pretty familar with the Faircrest Woods, due to extensively exploring them in search of nice things to take pictures of. Her great memory was quite useful here. She didn't expect Rowan to pull anything... because he was probably worried about getting electrocuted (And Wendy's not pretty enough). Rowan, on his part, was curious about her stake in things- if only becase most people seemed to have an angle. "Why'd you uh, flash off at the snake?" He asked, with an arched brow. An awkward laugh escaped her lips. "... I totally did that on accident." Wendy honestly said. "I meant to just put my hand up." She followed it with more awkward laughter... It was pretty funny now that she thought about it. "That's how it works?" he asked, before recalling his own [i]accident[/i]. "Yeah..." Wendy arced her hand up, and looked at it. She made a little bit of the electricity crackle off of it. "I haven't really figured this out yet...." The proximity of her electrical field was felt by Rowan's own magnetic sensitivity, prompting him to wince a little in marked surprise. "I thought you were all paper, though? That's what Miss Zhao was talking about." Immediately, Wendy put her fingers together - gently tapping them - as she thought about a reasonable response. Before she realized that she should probably just come out with it - since most people would figure it out. "... I'm a power replicator." She just came out and said. ".... And have you heard about what happened at the mall?" He shrugged. "Uh, kinda? I don't really listen much, something about a bunch of people going crazy?" "Well..." Wendy fiddled with her fingers a little bit. "I was rushed by this dude, and I accidentally copied his power... which is apparently electricity," Wendy started off. "I've been trying to figure out how to use it, because I can't switch back to my paper power until I do." "Oh, right." [I]Replicator[/i]. Once, he'd heard the old man ranting about 'freaks' who could take any powers they wanted. This was what he'd meant. "Ever tried, I dunno, rubbing up some paper? Maybe it's like you've gotta recharge with whatever you can." "I tried [i]everything,[/i]" Wendy defeatedly said as she hung her head. "Touching paper is usually what does it, but-" Wendy threw her hands up in the air, trying to put them on the sides of her head out of stress, but she accidentally fired another bolt of electricity. A blue flash filled the room, as a stream of electricity went right towards Rowan. Rowan flinched for half a second before the bolt made its impact - striking the air just a foot ahead of him and arcing around him in a spherical direction, scorching the brickwork behind him. In the process, his chair overturned and Rowan himself was flung to the floor. "Woah, the.. the fuck?" "Sh-shit!" Wendy stuttered as her heart started racing, and embarassment consumed her. Right when she meets this guy, she ends up almost electrocuting him. [i]God damn it, Wendy.[/i] Wendy mentally scolded herself. "I am [i]so[/i] s-sorry! I d-didn't mean to do that!" She quickly stuttered. Grunting, Rowan brushed some of the gravel from his clothes and pushed himself to his feet. "It's fine, just..." he began, shakily, not too far from a cardiac arrest himself. He glanced over his shoulder to look for his chair, only to find it flung up high, one of the legs wedged in a gutter pipe a storey above them. "Oh... was that you, or me?" "Uh...." Wendy trailed off as she was confused. "... I think it was me." She shamefully took the blame, even though she had little idea of whether or not she did it. It was already bad enough, she didn't want to pin this on Rowan. "Someone might find it." he groaned. "..... Hopefully," Wendy said. She was still a bit embarrassed. "That's not what I meant." "Oh, uhhh...." Wendy scratched the back of her neck, wondering what sort of topic she could come up with. She had just the subject! "... How long have you been at the Academy?" "A few months," Rowan shrugged. He'd not exactly been keeping track. [i]Nailed it.[/i] Wendy thought to herself. "I've been here for three years, since I was fifteen... I'm from Stadium City." She realized that she was being a bit boring... Oh, no. The last thing she wanted was this conversation getting dull. "Yeah? I guess I know Baybridge well enough - but I don't see what there is to do over here. Gets kinda boring." "The Academy is pretty... boring. Once you get to know it," Wendy shrugged as she looked around. "There's just miles and miles of woods... which is why I like to go into town, Take pictures, and find stuff to draw." "You draw?" Rowan asked, with genuine interest. "Yeah, I do it all the time." Wendy scratched the back of her neck, trying to suppress the gushing about her arts. "I've always loved art - and any form of creativity for that matter." "That's cool," Rowan remarked, his curiosity now piqued. "You've got an appreciation for art, then? What about, y'know, stencils and stuff? Where the city's your canvas?" It was, perhaps, a risky venture - but Rowan was legitimately interested in the notion of someone else with an appreciation for work like his. A brief thought passed as Wendy wondered if she should be condonning [i]spray painting[/i] of all art forms, but, truth be told; art is art. "... Yeeeah, I think stencil art is a great form of expression - some of it's crude - but you can find some really passionate "stencil artists" out there." "Yeah?" Rowan sensed some of her hesitation, yet he also figured that it was just a matter of acquired taste. "There's good work out there, especially if you can see it. Murals especially." Wendy's mouth opened like she was about to say something - but changed her mind. "... I'd like to go out and see some," Wendy started off, grabbing her satchel tightly. "If you don't mind; that is." For a moment, he moved to say something, before raising an eyebrow. "You sure? I know a place, it's a walk, though." "Yeah, walking's fine with me," Wendy quickly answered. Nodding, he gestured towards the perimeter fence and tugged at his bag. "Let's go," he said, pacing towards the fence, and Wendy followed behind him without a second thought. All she did was pull out a camera in case there were sights to see along the way. If she was correct, they were heading towards Eastgriffin.