[hider=The Rook] Appearance: [indent][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/74/15/5f/74155f75bd16012948234f47425a20e3.jpg[/img][/indent] Role: Rook Age: 26 gender: Male Personality:[list][*]Likeable: The Rook has a magnetic personality and a good sense of humour. He makes friends easily. [*]Naive: The Rook's personality has an almost childlike manner to it. He expects good things to happen and is surprised when things don't turn out okay. He trusts too easily. [*]Curious: The Rook is an inherently curious creature, seeking knowledge wherever he can find it. He asks questions, then finds his answers when nobody has one. [*]Talkative: Sometimes, the Rook just doesn't know when to shut up.[/list] Other: Scorpio, Has a tattoo of two snakes coiled around a dagger on his left bicep. The tattoo has a strange, almost mass-produced quality to it.[/hider]