[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/EmwiuBl.png[/img][/center] Sam was going to call on the radio when the Iron Wonder decided to burst through the ceiling of the room anyway. There was something to be said about finesse, because that boy didn't have it. Only issue being that he'd never manage to convince him to go through S.H.I.E.L.D basic training to try and knock some sense into him, maybe a confrontation with the Hulk would do it though. Though he couldn't exactly arrange that, it's not like he was in control of the Hulk or knew where he was. He pushed up against Captain Rogers forearm, alleviating the pressure enough to get words out but not enough to show his full strength or get into a fight, the last thing he wanted was to get in a fight with his predecessor who apparently had no idea what was going on, as evident by the request to know where Bucky Barnes was, Bucky being his best friend and the only other Howling Commando (Not including Captain America himself) to be declared M.I.A, presumed K.I.A. "You need to listen to me Cap, you've been on ice for over seventy years. Bucky hasn't been seen since then, I'm the current Captain America. I work for an organisation called S.H.I.E.L.D that formed from the S.S.R after the end of the Second World War." There was the sound of an explosion from up above their heads. "We're also in the middle of a facility run by a group called A.I.M who are pretty bad guys so if you could please stop choking me so we could get out of here it'd be appreciated. Listen, I know we can't prove any of this right now. Though if you come with us we can take you back to the U.S and get you in touch with Timothy Dugan, one of the surviving Commandos." He pulled his head as best he could, to give Stark a stern look. The last thing he wanted was for the boy to escalate matters further. "Also if you're that insulted by the colour scheme, you can have it back, Cap." He loosened his grip on the inside of the shield and knocked it off his wrist, it falling to the floor with a clatter. "As far as I'm concerned, I was just borrowing it anyway." [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/QKjgD1v.png[/img][/center] Bruce sat in the cafe in the middle of Alaska. He had followed the same routine for the past couple of months, and he looked rough. He was living in a homeless shelter, it kept him off the grid. There was no better way to slip through the gaps of the American Government than be someone in need of help, people were kind and he rarely got in a situation that could possibly set off his temper. The closest he had gotten to 'Hulking out' was two weeks ago when a drug addict came in in the middle of the night and began assaulting everyone, thankfully he was subdued before he could get anywhere near him. He was completely anonymous here, though he knew it couldn't last. Sooner or later he'd be pushed to find a job, pushed to try for the welfare system or even have his name and background searched. As soon as that happened it would be over for him here, though for now he could sit in this cafe, nursing a hot cup of tea between his hands. Sipping it gently, watching the news. The world hadn't gotten any less crazy since he was taken hostage by the team of mutants, or powered people or whatever they were. The real problem was the deal he had made to make it out of there, sometimes he could swear the Hulk visited him in his dreams, trying to stir him and take control. A deal broken, allowing Hulk to roam free for his help. Though he couldn't risk it, after all Hulks way of getting out of the last situation resulted in a nuclear crisis. On the bright side there was very little fallout, no towns had to be evacuated. The hunters just lost some of their hunting grounds, that and the government had stepped in to stop any form of crosscontamination with irradiated animals moving into the general population. He still didn't know what happened to any of the people that had been part of the programme, though he didn't really care. They weren't his problem, they could rot for all he cared. All he cared about right now was what was at the bottom of this cup, though he didn't really want to get there. As soon as he got there he'd have to get up, leave. Wander the cold streets until he could get back into the shelter at night to go to sleep, and then perform the same routine all over again. He shook his head, he had been wallowing in his own self pity for far too long, maybe it was time to actually try and solve this problem himself. Though first he'd have to find his way to some form of lab, somewhere he could get the equipment he needed to deal with the Hulk once and for all. There were few places with resources like that, and even more importantly he'd probably need help. He already had a candidate in mind, Doctor Samuel Sterns. Probably the next best expert in the fields of radiation and Gamma Energy, after himself at least. He'd just have to find a way to get in touch with him, and that'd be the hard part.