[hider=Hara] [B]Name:[/b] Hara [B]Age:[/b] 37 [B]Gender:[/b] Male [B]Species:[/b] Half-Drow/Human   [B]Physical Description:[/b] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c3/34/83/c3348379d096fdcf9b80f459c84cf8d6.jpg[/img] [INDENT] Standing slightly shorter then the average human northerner, and a inch or so taller then the average drow and dark elf. Hara is often considered a oddity, his hair has small streaks of green dyed into it albeit why he refuse divulge. His eyes are a violent, bright amber in color and his skin is paler and more ashen then a full blood. In fact, he has been told the dusky, washed out gray of his skin looks sickly and pallid. His ears while tapered are not as big or pointy as a full blood drow either. His hands and feet carry the permanent scars of hypothermia. He wears easy smile on his lips and a knowing swagger in his steps. His body is lithe but powerfull underneath his clothes. His clothes themselves are practical and meant to allow movement as much as possible. But they are also showy, billowing arms and loose fabrics to make his movements more distracting and obscure. In contrast to this, he wears a sleeveless brigandine (Leather coat of arms with oblong metal plates fastened to it) ontop of the cloth.[/INDENT] [B]Skillset:[/b] [INDENT]Stealth: Sneaking, Staying hidden, Erasing traces and covering his tracks. Survival: Tracking, Spotting, Wilderness lore, basic geography Swordplay; Sabre and Dagger Crossbows: Both larger and smaller variants. [/INDENT] [B]History:[/b] [INDENT]Up in the north there is a cave system thats long since been cut off from the other subterran networks that provide shelter and home to many of the Dark Elves. Far removed from the Houses and their politics of stabbing one another in the back to get to the top. Here in cold, unforgiving harsness of long winters nad unforgiving storms the Mandi-Hariji live and breed. A offshot of the Dark Elves, they are akin to a death cult. Fiercly independant, matrichal and xenophobic, they guard their secrets with the fury and zeal of the religously brainwashed. Their Goddess is a obscure avatar of death called Moribia of Three Scythes. Born to this cult was a boy named Hara. Or rather, a boy without a given name. Hara simply meant ”child” in their dialect of the Subterranean language and that was all he was called. He was not of pure blood and as such a blemish on his entire race. However, bastards and half bloods were believed to be a excellent sacrifices as according to lore, the only way to purge imperfections was trough death. They believed sacrificing him would be a mercy killing. But as many times is the case with the cults of the dead and damned, everything had a routine or a dogma that needed to be adhered to. In the case of Hara, he needed to be raised to a worthy state. As such, he spent the age of 6 up to his tenth year he was put trough the ”Purification” process. He was forced to eat only certein herbs, he was bathed in ice cold water to the point of near hypothermia and was put under any manner of sadistic tasks. But he had a survivors streak in him from early age. A simmering, resilient core that he had inherited from his human father who had died a slave underneath the mountains shortly after the unfortunate tryst with Haras very essentric and dangerous mother. His mother was a different being all together. A high priestess of Death, she had sired him only for the sake of sacrifice. When he was 11, fate intervened on the young halfbloods behalf. Deep Dweller Dwarves came across the cult. They were miners that had been making inroads into the Mandi-Harijis tunnels in their search for mithril and gems. The result was a violent skirmish that devolved into a full on war within the tunnels. During one Dwarven invasion, the high priestess chamber was breached and the chains holding Hara broke. He fled in panic and stumbled out into the harsh cold. There he would have perished had it not been for Brand. The ranger had come to investigate the disappearance of a friend. That friend turned out to be the biological father of Hara. Brand had been busy elsewhere when his friend dissapeared and had not been able to make the long trek north up until a few month prior. When a dwarven contact told him about the Cult they had encountered, he realized there might have been foul play involved. When he came upon the boy, he had not hesitated to take him under his wing. It only took a little prodding to find out that the boys age correlated all to well with Haras fathers disappearance. Under Brands tutelage, Hara grew. He had a hardheaded, angry streak and a dark almost melancholic nature to him. A trait Brand recognized both as heritage from his father and the natural consequence of years of abuse and degredation. Brand made it his duty to repair the boys faith in the world and to provide him both the means to keep such things from befalling him ever again aswell as a real sense of a identity. It would take many years, and much blood and sweat before Hara came to fully trust anyone other then his adoptive father. The men and women who became his siblings were these. As Hara was one of the oldest, he took to help his father in raising the younger of his siblings. But as he grew older, he found the ghosts of his past still haunted him. The fact that he was conceived for the simple purpose of sacrifice and death weighed on him. He was one of the first to leave, intent on defying the fate he believed had been forced upon him. During his travels, he met other survivors, men and women of other races then him who had family taken up north. Many times he was met with understanding or pity, in others with rage and prejudice. More then once did he have to take a life outside the city limits as those who saw only a dark elf and not the man he was tried to kill him. He became a confident and powerful warrior in his own right as his path led him into the realm of sell swords. He spent some time aboard a ship, protecting fat merchants from pirates. There he aquired a rare bladsteel saber and complimentary dagger. Somewhere during his travels, he began keeping notes of all the men and women he had duelled. It began to fill up disturbingly quickly as his reputations spread. For him, it was all training for the day he would challenge and kill his own mother. Somwhere in his travels however, he came upon a particular survivor of the Deep Dwarves that had unknowingly allowed him to escape. He told him his mother had died in the raids, killed by the Dwarves leader himself. Strangely, he was hit both with releief and a profound sense of loss. He would never get to look his mother defiently in the eyes. He had essentially been robbed of his revenge. After being robbed of his purpose his anger and darker tendencies grew more unchecked, albeit knowing Brand was out there ready to come scold him helped keep the worse at bay. He also adapted a much more extroverted personality in his travels, a sort of defence against the doubt and nagging despair that hung over him like a dark cloud wherever he went. He traveled home as fast as he could, he dark cloud of anger and doubt now a storm of vengefull purpose. He would bring death upon those that had robbed him of his father. [/INDENT] [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] [INDENT]A quick mouthed, selfassured and disarmingly forward person, Hara none the less struggle with his own nature. His mothers heritage stains his thinking, the eleven years of hell has instilled him with a sense of uncurable dread. But it has also made him view death in a whole different way. He does not fear it, but he respects it. As a would be sacrifice to the death cult of his mother, he has a heatlthy dose of paranoia when it comes to all thing religous. He is not agnostic or atheistic but he does not hold any allegience to any god. What is more, he is a ball of pent up anger and violent, dark impulses behind his facade of calm confidence. But this was very much tempered by his father, Brand, who instilled in him a sense of urgent dicipline. An idea that such unchecked behavior was selfdefeating and destructive in the end. Upon the death of his father, part of his life quickly spiraled out of control. Brand, who had taken him from the clutches of death and cold and who had always been there when the nightmares started, was gone. And with him, one of the few things that could hold the darker natures of Hara at bay. [/INDENT] [B]Equipment:[/b]  [list][*]Armor: Brigandine is a kind of armor that consist of either canvas or leather with metal plates attached to it. In this case its made out of dearhide and half a inch thick steel plates that are fastened all the way down to the bottom. The coat reaches to just below his crotch and is by far, the heaviest piece of equipment he carries. [*] Blacksteel Duelist Saber: A slightly curved sword, the steel saber he carries is he weapon of choice. Made originally as a weapon for a sailor or a pirate, the blade is a trustworthy ally of his. Sharp as few other blades, it is made of a steel from beyond the Green Seas that is famous for its black color. [*] Dwarven Crossbow: A sturdy thing that he carries on his back. Not quite as arbalest, its none the less a heavier version of the average crossbow and used to great affect when aimed properly. Hara mainly use it to take down bigger prey. [*] Varius survival gear [*] A black hood made of heavy wool. [*] A knapsack filled with food and water supplies to last a few days at most. [*] Blacksteel Duelist Dagger. A light but sturdy dagger with a slightly curved blade. It is made of the same blackened steal as the Saber and meant to be wielded in tandem with it. [/list] [b]Yes, and:. [/b][indent] Being the oldest, he always felt like it was his duty to help around the home and to take care of his younger siblings. But he found that as he grew older, he did not trust himself to be the one others could look up to. His own self doubt, planted in him since childhood by his own mother, ate away at him. He left as soon as he felt the older of his younger siblings had gotten strong and independent enough to help Brand out. Among his younger siblings, Sᴀᴄʜᴇᴠɪᴀ is one of the oldest and as such one of those he got to know best before departing. He holds the witchborn in respect, but is both fearful and mistrusting of her inner nature. In some ways, her heritage and devotions remind him to much of the cult that raised him to be a sacrifice. He enjoys the company Loden when the two cross paths as the two have similar styles of weapons yet utilize them entirely differently. He always goads his "little brother" into a friendly spar or duel. Needless to say, he his very impressed at how nimble and fast Loden has gotten over the years. He finds Gray something of a kindred spirit as the two are both half-blooded. He regrets having left before Gray could really gotten to know him. He regrets leaving most of his youngest siblings before he could see them grow and as such tries to make up for lost time when they meet. .[/indent] [/hider] [@HeySeuss]