[quote=@Azereiah] [@Fionraella] Brick nodded at the explanations. He understood the concepts, but the bee balm looked an awful lot like purple clover to him, and the mallow seemed a bit too close to a normal flower for him. He didn't think he'd be comfortable harvesting either until he'd handled both a lot more often. Perhaps a book on local herbs would be a good idea. And maybe some books on wilderness medicine and alternative medicine. Those [i]also[/i] went on the list of things to get in town. At this rate, he felt he would run out of money very quickly, but he didn't really care. He could always make more if he had to. [color=f26522]"I've seen that usnea stuff around a little. It clings to trees and fallen logs, right?"[/color] [/quote] Destin nods and takes bits of the unsea and bee balm and begins mashing it in the mortar and pestle. "Yeah. It's all over the place. Pretty handy." He says as he adds a bit of water to the mixture. "Another thing to add is a tiny amount of honey. It helps seal wounds, fight off infection, and its sticky. so if you are running low on bandages, honey helps keep everything sticking to the wound."