Thalia saw that it seemed she was late to the party. There were already several people inside the house. Their smells mixing together, her mind deciphering who was in the room. [i]Well, there's the kid from the bar. Is that the smell of the drunken vampire? What would she be doing here? Oh, well that's just great, I should have known that the creepy guy who hits on every girl in the club would be here. The devil being his father and all. Whats that other smell though? Its weird, well, based on the process of elimination, I'm guessing that is none other than the devil himself. Wonder why Lucifer is in New York anyway, probably some stupid reason.[/i] She walked up to the door, looking around, maybe she was hoping to catch a glimpse of someone spying on her, or maybe smell them. Yet there was no one anywhere near her. No neighbors nearby, the only people besides her within a 200 foot radius were those who were in the room. [i]Might as well get this over with. Not too happy about running into that guy again. Lets see what Lucifer has to say.[/i] With that last thought, she rang the doorbell, and waited to see who would answer the door.