[center][h2][color=LightBlue]Lucian Asaunte[/color][/h2] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/7Ihcgmt46SiSQ/giphy.gif[/img] Xavier's Institute Basement Interacting: Christie [@Royzooka] William [@smarty0114] Grace [@unfallenangel] [/center] [hr] The tingling sensation in Lucian's stomach grew as he watched more and more mutants show off thier powers. To be honest, he found some to be a bit of a let down. [i]Oh she can fly, oh cool! Oh wow, super speed, the most generic power you could ever have! Radical![/i] Lucian's sarcastic, eyeball rolling thoughts ended when the goth girl stood to present. Christie, as she said her name was, compared her power to that of Meg in the 'Family Guy Viewer Mail #1' episode, which he remembered watching himself. She was basically, a crazier version of X-23. Through simple deduction, Lucian was able to put two and two together. Instead of Adamantium, she was injected with Vibranium. Despite his admiration for Christie's power and looks, he agreed with William, her choice in codename was, meh. Funny thing was, William had no right to talk, the least he could do was have his name actually correlate with his damn power, who was he trying to impress with a name like Paladin. [color=LightBlue]"I wouldn't be talkin William, Paladin ain't got shit on Hairdusa, at least hers makes sense."[/color] he said with a chuckle as he watched Sophie and William got at it. [i]Hey looks like we have a female Zeus among us.[/i] Lucian thought sarcastically as he turned back to watch Astrid flex her mutant muscles. Before another mutant could take the stage Lucian made his way over to Christie, who appeared to be talking to Grace, so he ended up walking in on the middle of Grace's sentence. [color=LightBlue]"I disagree, your Codename could use a bit more work, what about…Axotal. Little Mexican salamanders who can regrow limbs. BAM!"[/color] Lucian proclaimed, is ever so present grin plastered itself on his face once again.