[h2][color=00a651]Rebekah Green[/color][/h2] As the Parrs left the room, Rebekah had to admit to being a little nervous. Of course, being entrusted with the safety and wellbeing of a child was always a serious responsibility, but when that child was the youngest in a family of supers, no, [i]the[/i] family of supers, celebrated the whole world over and renowned for their deeds, power and experience? Rebekah had no doubt that any one of them could kick her butt to kingdom come and back with only minimal effort, should they ever want to. Clearly, this job was one to be taken very, very seriously. Then there was the child himself. While he looked very cute and innocent is his (near indestructible) red onesie. In many ways, he was a four year old child like any other: cheerful, inquisitive, with simple likes and dislikes. The important point, Rebekah thought, wasn't that he could already lift his father's weight, but that he didn't really want to. He would be perfectly happy with eating some food, playing some games and going to sleep. Rebekah could get behind those goals. This wasn't a fight: they could work together. Determined to make friends early and start the evening off on the right foot, Rebekah leaned down to be face-to-face with the preschooler. [color=00a651]"Okay, Jack-Jack, while Mummy and Daddy go and have their special dinner, we're going to have ours as well,"[/color] she told him. [color=00a651]"I'm going to go and get that ready. I hear you really like fish fingers, is that right?[/color]